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Branding Your Business on Wristbands

11 Jul

Festivals are a fun way to celebrate pretty much anything from food and drink to music and sports. There are strawberry festivals, beer festivals, jazz festivals, X Games—just to name some examples. These festivals build community and provide a safe place for families and people of all ages to have a good time. To ensure guests are having fun, it is important to control access and ensure their safety. One of the goals of many festivals is to generate some revenue, so usually admission is charged. How can you enhance the safety of guests and boost sales at a festival? Festival wristbands can help.

Promotional messages can be applied to any type of wristbands
Various Messages in Wristbands for promotions and brands awareness

Festival wristbands serve two important purposes in highly effective ways. First, boosting security so that guests who pay for their ticket get full value and the service they deserve, while keeping intruders at bay. Second, growing sales through an economical marketing strategy that reaches beyond festival guests—touching their friends, family, co-workers, neighbors and even strangers they may pass on the street. 

Many festivals celebrate alcoholic beverages. Beer festivals and wine festivals are quite popular nowadays. If alcohol is being served at a festival, festival wristbands can be used to identify people of legal drinking age. Festival staff can verify guest IDs upon entrance into the festival. A festival wristband imprinted with the words “Over 21” can be fastened to the wrist of guests who are of legal age to drink. This really speeds up service and guest satisfaction. Servers can quickly identify who they can serve alcohol to without rechecking IDs each time. People who do not have to wait in long lines are more likely to come back for more. Quicker moving lines means increased sales.

Festivals oftentimes are host to special events or exclusive shows, which are scheduled within the duration of the festival and entail the purchase of an additional, separate ticket. It’s critical to identify paid patrons for these special shows. Festival wristbands come in many different colors, so color coding can be used to indicate and identify different levels of access—general admission, VIPs, staff, volunteers, performers, or other types of guests. Since festival wristbands are brightly colored and highly visible, they make it easy for staff to identify authorized persons and remove anyone from the premises who isn’t permitted. Colors can also be used to indicate different festival dates or days. Maybe green festival wristbands are distributed on Friday and yellow festival wristbands are distributed on Saturday.

Beyond colors, festival wristbands can be customized by imprinting a logo or tagline to make them more unique; doing so helps prevent counterfeiters and gate crashers from gaining access to a festival. Some people think they can get away with purchasing stock wristbands from a party store and sneaking in for free. Custom festival wristbands won’t let that happen. They are the perfect assistant for security staff. 

Strong branding messages on events via wristbands
Bright Colors work well to enhance branding messages

In addition to assisting with security, customized festival wristbands assist with promoting your festival’s brand. Besides your logo and tagline, you can also include the festival dates and sponsors’ logos on festival wristbands. 

Sponsorships are a great way to cover the cost of your festival wristband program. In fact, you might even be able to make a profit. You can sell advertising space to sponsors and do promotions. Maybe a new Italian restaurant has a booth set up at your festival. You could imprint a coupon right on the festival wristband beneath their logo, like “Stop by our booth, get a free scoop of gelato!”

Along the lines of promotion and branding, if you want to increase attendance as the weekend moves along, create some buzz via social media. You can imprint either a website address, QR (quick response) code or both onto festival wristbands. People can post photos of the fun their having at the festival and “check in” or post encouraging friends and followers to join in on the festivities. You create a QR code could that leads people to an invitation to come back to the festival tomorrow night. Encourage them with a bit of incentive: “Bring a friend, get in free!” QR codes have a way of engaging people and encouraging them to take action. 

Festival wristbands offer a multitude of ways to provide a safe environment and grow sales. When customized with a cool design, logo or tagline, people tend to wear them even after they’ve festival grounds. Festival wristbands become conversation starters, providing guests the opportunity to encourage friends and family to attend your fun-filled festival.

Using Wristbands as Entrance Tickets

11 Jul

Wearable Wristbands work well for patron identification

Most events these days require and admissions ticket. Traditional tickets have a sole purpose: getting the paid customer into the event. Seems a bit wasteful, doesn’t it? Admission wristbands are a popular substitute for tickets. Aside from their simplicity, admission wristbands have multiple uses and benefits. 

They serve as a highly effective identification tool—assisting with crowd control. Admission wristbands can help events run more efficiently and increase profits. They can also grow brand awareness. As an added bonus, admission wristbands fit securely around the wrist, which prevents them from becoming lost. 

With admission wristbands, crowd control is made easy. Admission wristbands enable staff to spot uninvited guests by just glancing at the wrist. Nobody wants party crashers to pop in and mooch food and drink from all the guests who actually paid. For large events, there may be different levels of access, including general admission, VIPs, staff, volunteers, performers, or other special groups of guests. Admission wristbands come in a wide variety of colors, so color coding can be used to differentiate the various access levels. 

Another way to put color coding to use is when an event is spread across multiple days and each day requires separate admission payments. By assigning certain colors to certain days, such as Thursday is red admission wristbands and Friday is blue, security can identify any guest that attempts to re-use their one day pass from one day to another. 

To further distinguish access levels, you can custom imprint text onto admission wristbands, such as “VIP” or “STAFF”. You can also imprint admission dates. Perhaps a popular singer is performing at the event. To see the performance, guests had to purchase separate concert tickets. Maybe some of those attending won back stage passes. Any guest who paid for the concert or won tickets could be given an admission wristband of a specific color with the date of the concert imprinted on it. Those guests with backstage passes would get the same admission wristband with one differentiating factor: it is imprinted with “VIP”. Same goes for staff, who would wear admission wristbands imprinted with “STAFF”. By making these designations with admission wristbands, security and other staff can quickly and easily identify whether someone is a welcome guest or staff member and ensure they are where they are permitted to be. 

If alcohol is being served at your event, admission wristbands can again help control access, but may also help boost sales. Staff can check IDs to verify age upon guest entry. If guests are of legal drinking age, they receive an admission wristband imprinted with “Over 21”. When wait staff is relieved of the duty of checking IDs for every drink ordered, a tremendous amount of time is saved. Guests don’t have to dig through their wallets each time they order a drink. Lines move faster. When people do not have to wait in line, they are more apt to go back and order more. Quicker service leads to increased spending, which, in turn, leads to increased profits. 

Just as you can imprint “VIP” and “Over 21” on admission wristbands, you can also imprint logos and taglines on admission wristbands. Admission wristbands become a walking mini advertisement. If the design imprinted on the admission wristband is cool and guests have a great time at the event, then they are likely to continue wearing the wristband for several days afterward. They are sure to catch they eyes of all sorts of people—co-workers, workout buddies, neighbors, family, friends. Curiosity will strike and lots of questions are likely to be asked. 

If you want to cover the costs of admission wristbands—or maybe even make a profit—sponsorships can do the trick. You are essentially selling advertising space—directly on the wrist of their target market. Imprint sponsor logos, coupons and promotions; encourage people to take action: “Stop by. Show us your wristband. Get 20% off $50 purchase.” You can also imprint quick response (QR) codes. Maybe scanning the code with a smartphone takes guests to the sponsor’s Facebook page—or the event’s Facebook page—and they are invited to “like” to start receiving exclusive discounts or invitations to future events. Both imprinted coupons and QR codes are effective ways that admissionwristbands can help build the brand and grow profits.

Admission wristbands are such a simple idea with multiple uses and benefits from a whole lot of angles. Whether you need to boost security, efficiency, profits, brand awareness, or just want to add a bit of fun to an event, admission wristbands have you covered.

Heighten Security and Brand Awareness at Concerts

5 Jun

Concerts are a fun form of entertainment that can attract crowds of people. One way to keep all those people in check is with concert wristbands. The advantages of concert wristbands are endless. Not only can you heighten security, but you can also to heighten brand awareness and sales with concert wristbands. 

Preventing counterfeits is one way to tighten security. With today’s technology, standard ticket stubs can easily be replicated and sold outside the venue by traders. Not only does this rob the venue and promoter of potential profits, but it also causes confusion and irritation among the guests. Concert wristbands are an excellent solution for this problem. 

When a concert goer arrives at the venue and presents a concert ticket to the security agent, the security agent scans the barcode on the concert ticket to ensure authenticity. That scanned ticket is replaced with a concert wristband and the ticket stub is removed to prevent anyone from re-using the ticket.
The security agent securely attaches the concert wristband to the guest’s wrist. If the guest needs to step outside the venue for any reason, the attached concert wristband is the guest’s only means of re-entry into the venue. Once a concert wristband is attached, it cannot be removed, and then re-attached. Concert wristbands are for one-time use only.

Want to add another layer of security? Customize concert wristbands with a special logo. Anyone can go to a party store and purchase standard wristbands with the grand idea that they can outsmart “the system.” However, authentic concert wristbands that are branded with logos of the promoter, sponsors or both, help venue staff to easily identify counterfeiters. You can also imprint a bar code, serial numbering or UV (invisible) ink on concert wristbands to tighten security even more. 

Beyond security, you can boost your brand and build customer loyalty by customizing concert wristbands with promoter or sponsor logos. When people have a great time at a concert, they might just wear their wristbands for several days afterward. Custom concert wristbands become a walking mini billboard—a highly effective advertising tool! With Whether the concert goers is running errands, working out, or on the job, an eye-catching logo or image imprinted on a concert wristband becomes a conversation trigger. The venue, sponsors, entertainer will all get praise.

QR (quick response) codes are also a fun and effective way to customize concert wristbands. When scanned with a Smart phone, the code can take concert goers to a website that offers sign up for a free gift or an opt-in for a newsletter to receive exclusive discounts. With social media as rampant as it is these days, you will gain loads of Facebook “likes” and Twitter followers fast! 

For immediate sales results, imprinting special offers on concert wristbands, such as “buy a t-shirt @ full price, get 20% off 2nd t-shirt” or “get a free pretzel with purchase of 32 oz beer” is a great tactic. Use concert wristbands as a motivator to get guests to make purchases and drive sales through the roof.
Another way to boost sales is to speed up the lines at concession stands. This can be accomplished by having security agents check IDs at the door to verify age, if the venue does serve alcohol. Concert goers who are of legal drinking age can be given a concert wristband with a distinct imprint “Over 21” on it. Wait staff does not need to take that extra step of checking IDs for every order for an alcoholic beverage.

Attendees raised their hands with wristbands attached

If you want to track where guests are spending their money, imprinting bar codes is a reliable way to do it. With each purchase, the items and the concert wristband are scanned. You can track the number of trips that were made to the concession stand and what was purchased. You can see all the purchase details of what was purchased, how many were purchased and the total price 

As inexpensive as concert wristbands are, you can eliminate the expense altogether. In fact, you might even make a profit by inviting sponsors to “buy advertising space” and imprinting their logo or a special offer on it. 

Concert wristbands do a good job of heightening both security and branding. You can accomplish great things with a seemingly small security and marketing tool.

Source: – Direct Custom Made Wristbands in USA since 1956

School Field Trips and Child Safety with Wristbands

31 May

Being in charge of a classroom full of kids is a serious responsibility. Their safety is always of utmost concern. This concern is amplified when school field trips and other events are scheduled. Child safety wristbands are a great solution for those just-in-case scenarios, like when a child may accidentally wander away from the group on a school excursion or get lost in the crowd. The safety wristbands give both parents and teachers peace of mind, and instill children with a sense of security. Plus, kids love wearing them!
Wristbands provide an easy, inexpensive way to help assist child safety efforts through identification. We offer a couple different types of child safety wristbands, so you are sure to find one that meets the needs of any kind of school field trip or event.
Our Expressions wristbands work great for field trips in which the entire class leaves together to visit an off-campus venue, like a museum, and then returns back to the school together. The child safety wristbandshave pre-printed lines where you can use a permanent marker to write the child’s name, along with the chaperone’s name and cell phone number. As an added measure of safety, wristbands can be turned inside out so that strangers are not able to see the child’s name. Instead, the emergency contact information is only exposed upon the child reaching out to an authority figure and asking for help.
During field trips, chaperones should have their cell phones with them and the ringer turned on at all times. If a child does become separated from the school group, they can approach an authority figure and the chaperone can be called immediately. The child can be reunited with the group quickly and safely.
If you are planning a field trip to a museum, zoo, amusement park, aquarium or other such attraction for kids, don’t hesitate to ask whether they provide child safety wristbands to students. Businesses that cater to the wonderment and happiness of children are just as concerned about their safety and well-being as parents and teachers.
Parents can also get great use out of child safety wristbands; especially if you have an active family that goes on a lot of outings together. Whether it’s to a ballgame, theater, observatory or mini golf, a child safety wristband certainly can add a cushion of security to the day.
Another type of wristband is our Securmatch® or Securband Plus®, which have a matching, numbered, tear-off stub. The child wears the numbered wristband and the parent or guardian retains the matching numbered stub. This child safety wristband works well for an event, like a school sponsored theme party, in which parents drop off their child, and then pick them up at the end of the event. When it’s time to go, the school or host can verify the numbers match.
Another great use for this type of child safety wristband is when parents host a large birthday party for their son or daughter at a public eatery, like a pizza or ice cream parlor. Maybe a guest’s parents drop him or her off, but designate a grandparent to pick up the child. Not only should the parents communicate to the host who they are entrusting to pick up their child, but also a matching, numbered, tear-off stub could serve as further verification in case the hosts have never met the grandparent before.
So, where’s the fun amongst all this safety stuff? Like we said before, kids love to wear wristbands. They love the bright, colors and fun designs. And, we’ve got plenty to choose from! We offer more than 100 combinations of designs and colors so you can find the perfect child safety wristbandfor your field trip or event. Wearing a colorful wristband with a cool design makes kids feel important—like they are part of a special club. Don’t be surprised if they show ’em off just a little bit, either. They are sure to wear their wristband weeks or even months after the adventure is done, savoring and treasuring the memories. When they finally decide to remove their wristband, children can save it as a keepsake of a fun day away from the classroom—good times spent with their friends and teachers or family.