Fitbit Wristband Falls to its Knees and Faces Lawsuit

22 Mar

Fitbit Wristbands on Recall

Fitbit Wristbands on Recall

When government is involved on your business, it is a sign of bad storm heading your way.  Several weeks after the company undertook its own recall of the product, the federal Consumer Product Safety Commission has recalled 1 million of the devices in the U.S. after receiving nearly 10,000 complaints from consumers.

The specific bracelets involved in the recall are the Fitbit Force bands with model numbers FB402BK, FB402BKS, FB402SL and FB402SLS. As we’ve reported before, the materials used in the product were resulting in contact dermatitis for many users, sometimes leaving nasty, itchy rashes on their skin.  Furthemore, The lawsuit was filed Monday in a California state court in San Diego. It alleges that the company misled California consumers by failing to disclose in its marketing materials that there was a possibility for allergic reactions to the materials in the fitness wristbands. In all, Fitbit says it has sold more than 1 million of these devices.

Those who have a recalled Fitbit but have not already done so, can get a full refund from the company by calling (888) 656-6381 from 8 a.m. to 8 p.m. ET daily. The CPSC and Fitbit also say you can go to and click on the “Recall/Safety Info” button on the bottom right of the homepage, but right now that only results in users downloading a Word document with the same information available from the CPSC recall page.

In a statement to Huffington Post, which published a story on Monday as well, Fitbit issued a public apology to customers who have experienced skin problems on the wrists where they’ve worn the force.


We are looking into reports from a very limited number of Fitbit Force users who have been experiencing skin irritation, possibly as a result of an allergy to nickel, an element of surgical-grade stainless steel used in the device.

We suggest that consumers experiencing any irritation discontinue using the product and contact Fitbit at if they have additional questions. Customers may also contact Fitbit for an immediate refund or replacement with a different Fitbit product.

We are sorry that even a few consumers have experienced these problems and assure you that we are looking at ways to modify the product so that anyone can wear the Fitbit Force comfortably. We will continue to update our customers with the latest information.

RFID Wristbands Applications and Benefits

21 Mar

RFID Wristband

RFID Wristband

RFID enabled wristbands are used for various purposes across a number of industries. Schools, hospitals, amusement parks, militaries, cruise ships and a number of other enterprises are moving forward with projects to put RFID tags into wristbands. RFID enabled wristbands are ideal for various applications where it is vital to provide location or privileged services to patrons, patients, workers, temporary visitors or other personnel groups. Some of the applications that come to mind are in healthcare, where these wristbands can provide patient safety and security; in the entertainment industry where wristbands can be used for convenience and customer safety; the U.S. Department of Defense can use RFID wristbands to track soldiers, and combat casualties, and higher education facilities could used RFID wristbands to monitor attendance and increase student safety. While the above mentioned applications are important, the list does not end there, RFID wristbands can be used across most industries for various applications.

What is an RFID Enabled Wristbands?

In simple terms, RFID wristband systems contain two parts: a tag and a reader. An RFID tag embedded in the wristband contains an antenna; the majority of these tags are passive. Passive RFID tags are small data transponders that are powered by the radiation received from a querying RFID reader – these tags “wake – up” when irradiated by the reader.Active RFID wristbands contain batteries and can send signals to readers. Readers can be mounted on walls, doorways, ceiling or be hand held.A lost child wearing a barcode wristband in RFID wristband in an amusement park can be located by the reader infrastructure which then transmits that location information to his/her parents.

RFID Wristbands in Healthcare:

There are many applications for RFID technology in healthcare. RFID wristbands specifically can be used in patient safety applications.These applications can provide patient tracking and identification services through the use of RFID wristbands. Additionally the use of RFID wristbands in healthcare can improve resource utilization and expedite patient admission process within all hospital departments. Due to the lack of real-time data, majority of the hospitals find it hard to keep track of their patients’ whereabouts while the hospital staff is on the move, thus leading to delays in patient admission from the emergency department.By assigning RFID wristbands to patients at the point of admission, recording patient information on these wristbands and strategically placing RFID readers throughout the hospital, patients can be located and identified while moving freely around the hospital, thus decreasing delays throughout the hospital.

In addition, RFID wristbands can be used to record patient information to correctly identify patients.Incorrect identification of patients can lead to incorrect drug administration, execution of undesired procedures, misfiling of results and medical documentation and can cause general delays.RFID enabled wristbands can, not only store patient information, but can have read and write capabilities as well.Usually, nurses and hospital personnel take notes by hand and then enter them into databases, leaving room for human error and causing general delays in hospital proceedings.With RFID enabled wristbands patient information, can be retrieved from the database via a wireless network by getting RFID enabled handheld devices in the vicinity of the wristbands. Hospital personal can obtain information on their patient instantly through patient’s wristband. With the use of RFID enabled wristbands doctors and nurses can monitor patients’ in real time, decrease mistakes and allow for a faster patient admission and treatment.

Some hospitals are already employing RFID enabled wristbands to help them track and identify patients. In 2003, The Albert Einstein Healthcare Network in Philadelphia, PA deployed a passive RFID identification tracking system. Since the deployment the hospital increased emergency department traffic flow by 24% and decreased the number of patients leaving before receiving care by 3%.

RFID Enabled Wristbands in the Entertainment Industry

RFID wristbands can have various applications in the entertainment industry. Amusement parks, cruises, concerts and festivals could all benefit from RFID wristband deployment. RFID wristbands in amusement parks can provide customers with convenience and security. According to some studies, over 27% of all families that visit an amusement park loose one of their children while there. With the use of RFID wristbands parks can prevent children from being lost.RFID wristbands assigned to park goers at the point of ticket purchase, can store basic information such as name, telephone number and address of the person wearing the wristband. Parents with lost children could go to park administration and retrieve their child’s location.Paramount’s Great American in Santa Clara, CA is a perfect example of an amusement park using RFID enabled wristbands to track park goers. Great American attendees get RFID wristbands with his/her name. One of many antennas scattered throughout the park –whichever is closest to the person at any given moment –reads the wristband and sends the information to the park’s administration.Parents who lose their children can go to any service kiosk, wave their own wristband, and bring up maps showing their kids’ locations.

Cruises, concerts and festivals could all benefit from similar RFID wristband applications. By utilizing RFID enabled wristbands, these ventures can not only track their customers but also provide them with convenience and security.

Royal Caribbean Oasis did just that, when it set sail in December 2009. The world’s largest cruise ship provided its customers with RFID wristbands that not only offered families and groups a way to track their members, but to also allowed users to make reservations at restaurant’s and spas. The application used Wi-Fi based RFID tags in wristbands and Apple iPhones. The location information was transmitted to the iPhone user to send alerts, to those wearing wristbands. This allowed for users to move freely about the cruise ship without worrying about their family members being lost. 2Live sector can also benefit from RFID wristband deployment. By storing bank account information on RFID enabled wristbands, attendees will not need to bring their debit cards, cash, and credit cards to the venue, therefore eliminating theft that occurs at concerts, sporting events and other similar events. Similarly, medical information can be stored on RFID wristbands, therefore upgrading safety for individuals in case of an emergency. Additionally, RFID enabled wristbands allow administration personal to monitor the crowds. By scanning wristbands by readers that contain all of the information of all the wristband holders attending, and sending this data wirelessly to a server, crowds can be monitored and controlled in real time. In 2004, South by Southwest (SXSW), a music festival held annually in Austin, Texas, used RFID wristbands to prevent counterfeiting of wristbands, eliminate over – crowding and to increase public safety at their events.

RFID Wristband Application in Defense

RFID enabled wristband applications vary when it comes to defense. These wristbands can be used to track wounded in warfare, track soldiers on battlefields, help families track relatives and identify victims during natural disasters. In 2007, U.S. Navy used RFID enabled wristbands to track and identify the wounded naval officers arriving at the field hospitals in Iraq. By employing RFID wristbands and satellite communication, medical personnel could better plan for arriving casualties. Additionally, the U.S. military has been considering using RFID to track soldiers on the battlefield to warn and monitor those going in and out of chemical or biological hot zones.

Some companies have been employing RFID wristbands to help families prevent their loved ones, who are at risk, from wandering away from the house. If an individual wearing the wristband approaches a door, an alarm sounds. This application is perfect for individuals suffering from Alzheimer’s or similar conditions.

Additionally, the state of Texas used RFID wristbands to track victims of hurricane Ike and Gustav. In 2008, the state’s division of Emergency Management employed RFID wristbands to evacuate 34,800 residents.

Moving Forward

RFID wristbands can be used across many industries, and in various applications. However, the same holds true regardless of the industry or the application: RFID wristbands are becoming the standard in people identification and tracking.RFID enabled wristbands are used in healthcare, defense, entertainment industries and even some schools are starting to employ RFID to track student attendance. While the cost of RFID wristband systems may seem daunting, the system’s ability track patients in hospitals, cut down cost of counterfeit tickets at festivals, increase security and track wounded is a major plus.

Hospitalization – Admission Procedures

3 Jun

The procedures you follow on admission to a hospital vary from one hospital to another, but basically

Hospital Room

the process is the same in most institutions in the United States.

You will most probably be admitted into a short-term hospital, which is a hospital that seldom has patients for longer than a month, and usually for 3 to 10 days. Long-term hospitals treat patients with psychiatric problems or long-lasting physical illnesses.

The hospital will probably be a general hospital, that is, one that deals with a complete range of treatment. However, some patients require care in a special hospital, for example, a pediatric hospital, if the patient is a child, or a maternity hospital, if a woman is having a baby. Your physician will recommend the most appropriate kind of hospital for your particular condition.

Elective Admission is admission to a hospital after at least one day of planning before the actual date of entry. Many such admissions are for surgery. Others are for tests that cannot be performed on an outpatient basis. Medical conditions that require an elective admission are less common, but if a hospital is full and the condition is not an emergency, a patient may remain at home for a day or two until a bed becomes available.

The admissions office is usually located in the main lobby near the information desk. When you arrive at the desk, there are a number of questions that the admissions office clerk will ask. Your name, address, and date of birth are required, and you will probably be asked to give your employer’s telephone number as well as your home number. The clerk will also need to know the name and address of your next of kin or another responsible party in case an emergency develops during your stay in the hospital. Many hospitals want to know your religion because some religious groups place restrictions on what procedures may be done, and it is important that the hospital knows this in advance. For example, some sects do not allow the use of blood transfusions, and the hospital would be liable if one were given without the patient’s consent.

The clerk must know the details of your insurance coverage, and you should take any necessary identifying information with you. Your Social Security number will be required.

During the interview, the clerk may or may not ask for your family physician’s name. If you are being admitted under his or her care, the question is unnecessary because your physician will have already been identified when the admissions office was notified of your arrival. If, however, your physician has referred you to another physician or surgeon for inpatient care, then make sure that your physician’s name is also on your chart.

Once the clerical part of the work is complete, you will have some tests done. In some hospitals, a technician waits close to the admissions office, and in others you are escorted to the laboratory for the tests. If you have been admitted for surgery, the operation will usually be done the following day. It is important that preoperative test results be available as soon as possible, because they may affect the decision to operate. If you are found to be anemic, you may need a transfusion before surgery. Your blood group must be identified before any operation, so that blood can be standing by for transfusion if any is needed during surgery. Your blood is cross-matched to make sure that it reacts favorably with blood of the same group, and its clotting ability is also tested. Most surgeons like the patient to have a routine electrocardiogram and chest X ray done before surgery, and these are also carried out before you reach your hospital room.

You are usually escorted to your room by a hospital patient escort, often a volunteer. Before leaving the main lobby, you may be asked to hand over any valuables or money you brought in with you for storage in the hospital safe. It is advisable to have only a few dollars in your room.

Shortly after your arrival in your room, a member of the nursing staff greets you, explains the facilities, and shows you how to use the nurse call system. You are then asked to change out of your street clothes into pajamas or a nightgown, or the hospital may provide a hospital gown.

If you still have valuables and money in your possession, you can hand them to the nurse, who will place them in an envelope and give them to a security guard for storage in the hospital safe. A receipt for the valuables will be attached to your chart.

Once you are in bed, a nurse will take your temperature, check your pulse and blood pressure, and record your weight. The wristband will be checked to make sure that the name is correct. It is fixed with a permanent clasp, and you must not cut the band off until you leave the hospital.

The ward clerk will check your signature on the admitting forms and see what tests and treatments have been ordered by looking at your chart. The clerk will give you the hospital information booklet and personal toilet kit. If you have any questions, do ask.

A nurse will then ask you a number of questions about your health and the reasons for coming into the hospital. He or she will want to know general health points, such as how regular your bowel movements are. He or she will also need to know if you are taking any other kind of medicines. If you have these with you, the nurse will take them and place them in a locked closet to make sure that all the medicines you take during your stay in the hospital come from one source and are carefully recorded.

If you have been taking contraceptive pills, you may need to stop dosage before surgery. The contraceptive pill can increase the chance of postoperative blood clotting in the veins of the legs, but many women do not regard the pills as drugs, possibly because they are not treating an illness. If you are taking contraceptive pills, always inform your doctor and the hospital staff. You may be advised that for your condition the birth control pills are not contraindicated, and you may then continue to take them while in the hospital.

You must also tell the nurse if you are allergic to any sort of medication or adhesive dressing. If you are, it should be recorded not only on the nursing notes, but also on the front of your chart and on your treatment card. The medications for all the patients on the floor are kept on a medicine cart with treatment cards for each patient. The nurse will take the cart around the floor regularly and record each medication and dosage.

The process of elective admission is now complete. On a busy day it may take several hours from the time you arrive at the hospital door to the time when you are finally settled down in your hospital bed.

Emergency Admission. Although the majority of hospital admissions are elective, you may be admitted to a hospital following an accident or for some other serious emergency. When you arrive at the emergency room, the clerk on duty needs information similar to that of the admissions clerk. He or she must know your name, address, insurance details, and major injury or complaint. The clerk is trained to recognize potentially dangerous symptoms.

Once the clerk has seen you, a registered nurse (RN) examines you to see if you need urgent treatment. If the nature of your injury is not life-threatening, you may have to wait for some time in an emergency room because the staff is dealing with other patients. However distressing the wait may be, a patient’s health is in far less danger if he or she is in the emergency room. Should something life-threatening happen, such as a cardiac arrest, then the patient is only seconds away from a team of experienced physicians and nurses and specialized equipment.

If you are brought to the emergency room following an accident and are subsequently admitted to the hospital, remember to ask a friend or relative to bring in a clean set of clothing before you are discharged. You must remember that the hospital cannot clean the clothes you wore on admission.

The 10 Greatest Watches Of All Time

3 Jun

Ultimate Watch - Lange1

“A gentleman’s choice of timepiece says as much about him as does his Saville Row suit.” – Ian Fleming

A watch is the one piece of jewelry that a man can wear on any occasion. The choice of timepiece is one of the best ways to express your individuality and style. In this modern world a designer timepiece is not a right of passage anymore and this has resulted in many high level people wearing a cheap watch. This is a great shame as a watch is an item you can use for years and then hand down to your children (with all its history).

I personally believe all people should have a $4,000+ watch by the age of twenty-five. The watch does not need to be flashy or imposing; in fact the contrary is desirable. I am a firm believer in long established style icons.

Patek Philippe Calatrava
Patek Philippe is to watches what Rolls Royce is to cars. Patek Philippe holds the title for being the best watchmaker in the world. There is a lot of truth in this claim; Patek Philippe is definitively one of a group of makers regarded as the best. The other top echelon Swiss names are :- Audemars Piguet, Breguet, Vacheron Constantin and the German maker A. Lange & Sohne.

Patek Philippe is considered the best by most aficionados however all the above mentioned brands are special. The question of who is the best is subjective. It is like asking who makes the best car in the world. Is it Rolls Royce, Maybach or Bugatti? One thing is clear and this is all these brands are special.

Patek Philippe pieces constantly sell at auctions for record high prices. These are usually for vintage pieces made in small numbers. Not all Pateks are extremely valuable. Many 1970s quartz Pateks have aged and are now out of flavor as they are quartz and also are in a dated design.

I have owned several quartz Pateks and they represent good value. The only danger is that an old quartz movement may fail and there is only one path for repair – the official Patek agent. This could make for an expensive repair.

The most famous model in the Patek range is the Calatrava series. This range was introduced in 1932 following the Bauhaus design rules of form and function. In my opinion a Calatrava in gold on a leather strap is the epitome of the perfect dress watch. I believe all models of Pateks would make an excellent addition to a collection. With this brand you simply can not go wrong.

Most modern Pateks can be bought for a good discount on the used market. The key is knowing a few trustworthy vintage watch dealers. If the piece is however your only Patek; buying new does also have merit. Due to Patek’s annual volume being so low stock is always hard to find.

Rolex DateJust
The Rolex DateJust is the number one selling watch in the Rolex range. The model has been overshadowed in recent times by Rolexes sports models. This is a great shame as the DateJust is a superb watch.

On the secondary market today the DateJust is excellent buying value. Originally a DateJust would have been similar if not more expensive than a steel Submariner or other sports Rolex. On the used market vales for a good DateJust are lower than a comparable sports Rolex.

The DateJust has many things going for it. It is waterproof thanks to its Oyster case. It has an excellent automatic movement with a date feature. The model also features either a Jubilee or Oyster bracelet. The Jubilee bracelet gives the watch a smart formal appearance whilst the Oyster bracelet adds to its sporting flair.

The DateJust comes in either steel, two tone (steel and gold) or solid 18K gold. All models are similar enjoying the same quality movement. On the secondary market the price of steel and two tone pieces are very similar. If you are a fan of two tone this can represent good value buying – as you are getting the gold for virtually nothing.

A DateJust is an excellent addition to any gentleman’s wardrobe. The piece is classic yet in steel it can be discreet and low key. The DateJust is probably the most usable watch in this entire list.

Rolex Submariner
The Rolex Submariner is probably the most recognized Rolex after the DateJust and President Day-Date. The Submariner was made famous by James Bond in the very first Bond film.
Questions about wearing a sports watch with a suit can be answered by a quick reference to Sean Connery as 007 in the first Bond move, Dr No.

The Submariner has enjoyed continual popularity over the years. The Submariner was ahead of its time when it was released. It was always a large watch before this was the fashion.
Steel Submariners hold their value exceptionally well. It may be better to buy new and enjoy the buying experience. Two tone Submariners are better bought on the used market through a trusted vintage watch dealer.

Probably the most imposing watch I have ever worn is the solid yellow gold submariner. This item is a very special piece that is a very heavy item weighing much more than the steel version.
Be sure to get a watchmaker to check the watch seals are intact before using the watch in water. A pressure test is vital to ensure it is watertight and safe for underwater use.

Omega Speedmaster – Man on the Moon Watch
The Omega Speedmaster Man on the Moon watch is one of the few bargains in the luxury watch segment. The watch is an iconic piece which proudly touts “the first watch worn on the moon.” The watch is the official NASA certified timepiece for space missions in the 1960s and 1970s.

Do not confuse the watch with its slightly smaller automatic cousin. The only piece to get is the original manual wind piece with acrylic glass. The automatic version is not the moon watch.
Buying new the Omega can be had for a song. To the novice it is safer to buy the later 861 movement model from a reputable vintage watch dealer or buy new.

The watch has enjoyed very little change since the original 321 movement version. The 321 version commands a hefty premium but is still good buying. This is Omega’s version of the Rolex Daytona.
Care should be taken as this watch is not waterproof. This piece is ideal for the office or weekends off.

Breitling Navitimer
The Breitling Navitimer is another iconic chronograph. It also represents excellent buying especially in the secondary market. Buying either vintage or modern you will adore this watch for years to come.

Breitling is famous for its wonderful precise dials and the Navitimer does not disappoint. The Navitimer now comes in a few different flavors. This includes the Navitimer World, Cosmonaute, Montbrillant, Montbrillant Legende, Montbrillant Olympus and Montbrillant Datora.

All models are good value and represent good buying.

If buying new ensure you negotiate a good price as Breitling models do not hold value as well as a steel sports Rolex. Buying used from a reputable dealer will overcome this reduction to some extent.
Breitling has also used a highly polished steel surface. In recent times this has been very
fashionable. Being a chronograph caution needs to be taken around water.

Louis Cartier Tank
The Cartier Tank is a design icon that has stood the test of time well. John F Kennedy was an owner of a Cartier Tank as was his stylish wife.

The Cartier Tank has spawned a few variations however the original model is probably the best. The original Tank for men is possibly a touch too small by modern standards however this model should not be discarded.

The Louis Cartier Tank should not be confused with the gold plated Must de Cartier Tank or Cartier Tank Solo. Both of these models are not solid gold and should be avoided.

The 18K gold Louis Cartier Tank has in recent years been available only as a quartz piece. Ideally a pre-owned mechanical version should be the best piece to own.

Cartier Santos
The modern Cartier Santos was introduced in 1978 as a classy sports watch to compete with the Rolex DateJust. An earlier version first came out in 1904 which featured a flat wristwatch with a distinctive square bezel. The newer Santos was famous for highlighting the watches screws – something that traditional high quality Swiss makers always tried to hide previously. The newer Santos was also Cartier’s first watch to treat steel like a precious metal.

The Santos was named after the Brazilian aviator and Cartier customer Alberto Santo-Dumont.
Prior to the introduction of the Santos Cartier had two model lines. The exclusive solid gold line (Louis Cartier) and the gold plated Must de Cartier line. With the introduction of the steel and steel and gold Santos Cartier had a watch for the large middle ground watch buyer.

Jaeger LeCoutre Reverso
The Jaeger LeCoutre Reverso was originally released in 1931 for polo players who needed a sturdy watch. The Reverso was revolutionary as it allowed the watch to flip around to protect the glass and front.

The Reverso is the one watch I prefer in steel to any other material. The Reverso is such a fantastic watch that the choice of material makes very little difference. Whilst I have owned this model in 18K gold and also steel – it is the steel version I miss most.

The Reverso is excellent buying used on the secondary market however be aware that it may be just as inexpensive new through heavy discounting. I have seen cases where some Jaeger LeCoutre retailers have heavily discounted some Reverso models to clear stock (admittedly this was after the GFC). If you can locate a larger size steel mechanical model at a great price – new maybe the way to go.

Audemars Piguet Royal Oak
Audemars Piguet is one of the most respected Swiss watchmakers in the world. Audemars Piguet is considered one of the top three watchmakers along side Vacheron Constantin and Patek Philippe. The Royal Oak model is Audemar Piguet’s most well known model. It was designed by the famous designer Gerald Gentra. The Royal Oak was Audemars Piguet’s first model to treat steel as a precious metal. The Royal Oak model was released in 1972.

The Royal Oak is available in a range of materials including steel, steel and gold, solid gold, and various expensive alloys.

The model has also spawned many variants with the chronograph function. The Audemars Piguet Royal Oak Offshore Chronograph is a large sized piece which has been popular despite its high price tag.

On the used market all Royal Oaks represent excellent buying. The first release is a collector’s item and is somewhat in demand. Quartz variants have been hurt by negative collector sentiment towards quartz and are bargains provided you can live with the movement. Best buying would be a large size steel automatic version.

Lange 1
A. Lange & Sohne Lange 1
The Lange 1 is an amazing watch which has that quality feel to it. A. Lange & Sohne is a long established German watchmaker that disappeared after WWII. With the fall of the Berlin Wall and the collapse of the East German government the founders great-grandson, Walter Lange, combined with the might of the Richemont group re-established the brand.

The Lange 1 was the first new watch to be released after a 40 year break. The Lange 1 is special in that it combines traditional pocket watch characteristics in a wristwatch. The Lange 1 is a manual wind piece with the special charm of having a separate section for each function – time, seconds, date and power reserve.

The Lange 1 is a watch one could enjoy without needing another high end piece. Due to the small production run of Lange they are scarce on the used market. The Lange 1 is a true Holy Grail price for the connoisseur.

This article is brought to you by PDC Solutions – Innovative ID Solutions is Giving Silicone Watch with Purchase

22 Mar, a premium  retailer of stock and custom wristbands, announced today that all customers who  order $99 or more will automatically receive a free silicone watch with their  purchase! To redeem the free gift, shoppers can simply enter the promotional  code “TICKTOCK” at the checkout when making a purchase. The  order must total $99, before tax and shipping. The free watch offer is only  available to orders made within the 50 United States and is only valid while  supplies last.’s free silicone watches are available in the  following colors: black, blue, brown, gray, green, orange, pink, and white. will select the color of the free watch that eligible customers  receive.  

Silicone Watch BannerThe free silicone watch offer  is a small way that can show their appreciation to their clients  for making it a leading online supplier of stock and customized wristbands for  the leisure and entertainment arena. On the website, shoppers  can choose from dozens of styles, more than 20 vibrant colors, an assortment of  materials, and additional exiting options to ensure customers find the perfect  wristbands for any type of event or fundraiser they may be hosting.  carries top-quality wristbands made out of the following materials: silicone, Tyvek®,  vinyl, plastic (tri-laminate), woven, and thermal.

Tyvek® wristbands are a popular choice for short-term applications – like single-day events – because  they are economical, lightweight, and extremely cost-effective. In fact, they  are one of’s top selling styles of wristbands! You can implement  Tyvek® wristbands at concerts, sporting events, festivals, fairs,  nightclubs, bars, fieldtrips, and so much more. Instead of selling tickets that  can be easily lost or misplaced, substitute them with Tyvek® wristbands  as your admissions system. offers dozens of stock Tyvek® wristbands  with fun designs and bright colors that are shipped the very same day as you  order them! Whether you are looking for festive holiday-themed wristbands or  more event-focused wristbands, is your one-stop-shop for quality  Tyvek® products. You can even order stock Tyvek® wristbands  with a unique, wavy shape that are attractive and loved to be worn by kids and  teenagers.

For a longer lasting, more  durable solution, vinyl wristbands will do just the trick. These sturdy  wristbands are constructed from multi-layered vinyl for unbeatable strength and  unparalleled comfort.’s vinyl wristbands feature a locking snap  to prevent tampering and transferring among patrons. offers cool  and trendy see-through ClearImage® wristbands that offer a  professional look while offering a one-of-a-kind finish. Our newer vinyl Wave  wristbands have a playful wavy design and are durable enough to last for weeks  on end! also carries vinyl ClearImage® Wave  wristbands that are perfect for summertime fun, kids birthday parties, and  more.

Plastic wristbands are  another great option for multi-day festivals, pool and other water-related  events, and more. Similar to our vinyl wristbands, our plastic wristbands also  feature a locking snap to prevent tampering to ensure the wristband stays  securely on a patron’s wrist until an event has ended completely, or until they  wish to remove the wristband. Our SureImage® custom full-color  wristbands are printed with photo quality in a 4-color (CMYK) process. Resorts,  amusement parks, and concert promoters can give their guests a keepsake to  forever remember their event by using these high-quality waterproof wristbands  as proof of admission. You can order plastic wristbands with our without serial  numbering. All of our plastic wristbands are one-size-fits-all and feature  holes along the band for individual adjustment.

For nighttime events,  carries glitter wristbands that will shimmer and shine under all types of  natural and artificial lighting. Made from a strong tri-laminate material, our  glitter wristbands are not only extremely secure, but are attractive and make a  fun impression on guests who wear them. You can even custom imprint messages on  the surface of our glitter wristbands in white or black ink, for just a couple  of cents more per wristband. carries four exciting metallic  styles: liquid glitter, confetti, stars, and rain. Each type of metallic  wristband can be custom printed with messaging and line art, available upon  request.

If you are interested in  fundraising or awareness campaigns, silicone wristbands are a perfect tool to  use in exchange for donations. offers five styles of silicone  wristbands – from basic to premium – that can be customized with color,  desbossing, embossing, text, and graphics. Silicone wristbands are fashionable  for all age demographics and serve as excellent conversation starters, helping  to increase awareness to your charitable cause. has great online deals and specials for our silicone  wristband selection, so be sure to check back often for exclusive discounts and  savings. 

With all these eye-popping options  to choose from, ordering just $99 of product for a free silicone watch is a  simple task! Don’t let your patrons be the only ones to sport a fashionable,  decorated wrist. Now you too can join in on the fun with a bright silicone  watch, yours FREE from your friends at

About is owned and  operated by Precision Dynamics Corporation, the leading global manufacturer of  identification wristbands since 1956. As a global organization, we have  manufacturing facilities and offices in Valencia, California; Port Orange,  Fl; Tijuana, Mexico; and Nivelles, Belgium. The company’s product lines started  with hospital bands and expanded in the past forty years to include more than  50 wristband styles, more than 20 colors, and hundreds of designs, created  solely for leisure and entertainment venues. Previous customers include The  Olympics, Tour de France, Kentucky Derby, Wimbledon, Disneyland, MTV, Apple,  Microsoft, The Academy Awards, and others.
To learn more, please visit

Practice Safety and Awareness with Wristbands

11 Feb

February is Safety Awareness Month, and you can raise safety awareness by purchasing silicone wristbands from at an affordable price. It is important to educate both adult and children in your community about the importance of safety awareness. Schools and organizations, such as the Girl Scouts or Boy Scouts of America, can do a variety of activities to introduce the topic of safety awareness to kids. It is also important to teach teenage girls, who may be walking alone after school or at night, about taking preventative actions to ensure their safety. Silicone wristbands are being used globally to promote awareness campaigns, like Safety Awareness Month. offers five unique styles of silicone wristbands, from plain to premium, in 20 bright and bold colors. You can mix and match silicone wristbands colors with an assortment of colors and add custom printing, debossing, or embossing to create one-of-a-kind silicone wristbands to promote Safety Awareness Month during February.

If you are a member of a Neighborhood Watch program, invite local families to your home one evening and hand out a home safety checklist that parents and kids can go through their home and mark off together. When families return their completed checklists to you, reward them with silicone wristbands that have the message, “Safety Awareness Month 2013,” or “My Home is a Safe Haven.” Kids in your community will be proud to wear their silicone Safety Awareness Month wristbands because they are great for striking up conversation. Other kids at school will inquire about the Safety Awareness Month wristbands and will want to learn how they too can make their home safe and earn a stylish awareness campaign wristband. Here are some ideas you can put on your home safety checklist:

  • Smoke alarm has working batteries
  • Street numbers are clearly visible
  • A trusted neighbor has keys to your home
  • All entry doors have peepholes
  • Fire extinguishers on both ends of house
  • All electric outlets have faceplates
  • Important documents are stored in a heat-resistant safe
  • Sliding glass doors are properly secured
  • Emergency numbers posted next to the phone
  • Family disaster plan in place for fires/earthquakes

Schools and non-profit organizations, like the Boys and Girls Club of America, can also use wristbands to teach children and teenagers about Safety Awareness Month. Engage the children you mentor with an itinerary full of important safety tips to follow. If a child reminds one of their peers to practice a safe behavior, such as holding scissors downwards when walking, praise them with a custom imprinted Safety Awareness Month silicone wristband. Handing out rewards, like trendy wristbands, will give the children an incentive to continue their safety awareness training. You can also take a trip to teach safety awareness, such as to the fire station or police station. carries all kinds of Tyvek®, vinyl, plastic, and holographic wristbands that are perfect for single-day applications. Easily identify your group with florescent-colored wristbands from on your Safety Awareness Month field trip.

Teenagers, especially females, should be taught safe habits during Safety Awareness Month, such as always being aware of their surroundings when walking anywhere alone. You can start an awareness campaign using silicone wristbands to raise donations for a women’s charity such as: RAINN (the nation’s largest anti-sexual violence organization), National Partnership for Women, V-Day (global activist movement to end violence against women and girls), or the Polaris Project (organization that battles all forms of human trafficking). Put flyers up to promote a women’s safety class around your town during Safety Awareness Month. Post them on message boards at community colleges, local universities, public gymnasiums, parks, YMCAs, churches, temples, and on social networks like Facebook and Twitter. Charge $20 for the class that will be donated to the charity. At the end of the class, pass out custom silicone wristbands to everyone who successfully completed the course. Encourage mothers and their teenage daughters to attend so they can learn about Safety Awareness Month together. Use a bright silicone color like red or purple to stand out and draw attention to your charitable organization.

Purchase silicone wristbands in bulk quantity and save even more on your Safety Awareness Month wristbands. You can encourage the women and girls who participated in your women’s safety class to purchase 50 or 100 awareness campaign wristbands and sell them to friends and family for $3 a wristband. You will be amazed how much money you can quickly raise for an important cause using a promotional tool like silicone wristbands. Donating money to a non-profit organization that helps people and promotes an important cause makes people feel good about themselves. Give back to your neighborhood this Safety Awareness Month by starting up a wristband campaign. You can list your Safety Awareness Month wristband campaign on a resume, college applications, and even use it as a tax write off. Imagine all the people you can help by taking a miniscule amount of time out of your week and educating others on safety awareness. These types of assemblies bring families and communities together and will encourage people to become more involved in Neighborhood Watch and similar types of programs. always has free giveaways – like t-shirts, pens, and watches – and our silicone wristbands are currently on sale! Don’t wait until the next Safety Awareness Month rolls around to start your safety awareness campaign using popular silicone wristbands. Order today and begin making an impact in your community that will last a lifetime. You will be recognized as a leader and someone who cares about protecting the safety of your friends, family, and community.  Only you can promote Safety Awareness Month using wristbands in your home town.

Video is courtesy of YouTube

Look At Sarah Palin Wrist, Not Her Hand Notes

8 Feb

Sarah Palin Cheat Note

A Yale IR grad student and veteran of both the Iraq and Afghanistan wars, doesn’t give a hoot about what Sarah Palin had written on her hand at her Tea Party Convention speech. He is, however, concerned about what was on her wrist.
I hadn’t noticed it until I watched MSNBC’s “Hardball” on Tuesday, but it is a memorial bracelet; something familiar to veterans who have lost friends and family in the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan. I wear one commemorating a friend of mine who died in Baghdad in October of 2006, and I know many other veterans — and some still in the armed forces — who wear these bracelets as a reminder of the sacrifices their friends made on behalf of the units in which they served and the country they swore to protect.
There are many ways to commemorate soldiers; the reminders are everywhere. Yellow ribbons (or their magnetic counterparts) adorn cars and, occasionally, homes. Lapel pins and service flags — blue stars on a white background framed by a red border — grace the coats and homes of those with family members deployed at a war zone. As you might recall, Sarah Palin and Vice President Joe Biden both wore pins during the 2008 campaign. My parents displayed a double blue star during the holidays of 2008 when I was serving in Afghanistan and my brother was an Army officer in Iraq.
And for some soldiers, there is the gold star. It remains on the same white field and the flag has the same outline, but a gold star represents a family member killed in action — the most significant sacrifice one can make on behalf of their country.
This brings me back to my issue with Palin. The name on her black memorial bracelet — one, like the gold star, a demonstration of a friend or associate who was killed in action — is that of her oldest son, Track. Track served honorably in Iraq, and both he and his parents should be thanked for his selfless service to his country. He is also alive.
Commemorating Track’s service by wearing a a black memorial bracelet which is reserved for those dead or even a red bracelet for those missing in action, demonstrates a horrifying contempt for those who gave their last full measure of devotion or an almost unbelievable ignorance of the importance of symbols in American history.
Unfortunately, given Palin’s reputation and frequent public statements, I assume it is the latter.
Sarah Palin, please take off the bracelet. Be thankful you have no reason to wear it.

Article was courtesy of

School Trips for Black History Month with Wristbands

7 Feb

Since 1976, The United States has officially designated the month of February as the celebration of Black History Month. Many schools teach important lessons on the many contributions of African Americans to the history, culture, and education of the United States. Churches and youth groups may also teach Sunday school lessons that tie into Black History Month, such as sermons on equality and brotherly love. There are lots of charities that can use Black History Month to their advantage by raising donations for non-profit organizations that support inner-city youth or another reputable cause. Whether you are an educator, youth group leader, Sunday school teacher, or campaign promoter – ordering quality wristbands from can significantly help you be successful with the planning and organization of Black History Month lessons, field trips, and activities.

Teachers of elementary, middle school, and high school students are likely to be preparing Black History Month lessons during February. For elementary students, visiting a library that focuses on Black History is an excellent option for a field trip. Take the students to the library in the beginning of Black History Month, and require each student to check-out a book on a prominent African American figure from the Civil Rights era. Then, have each student present an oral book report to the class. has a large assortment of stock print and customizable wristbands for single-day use that are economically priced and perfect for short-term applications like field trips. carries an entire line of Tyvek® Expressions Child Safety Wristbands that feature a write-on area to fit a child’s name, guardian name, and emergency phone number. Our Child Safety Wristbands have fun stock prints such as bright red stop signs and yellow school busses. We also carry Child Safety Wristbands that do not feature a write-on area.
If you live close by a historical site that became monumental during the Civil Rights Movement, take your students there for a Black History Month field trip. Some good ideas for Black History Month field trips are:

  • Tribute to the Great Migration (Chicago, Illinois)
  • Apollo Theater  (New York, New York)
  • Carter’s Grove Plantation (Williamsburg, Virginia)
  • Emancipation Park (Houston, Texas)
  • National Museum of the Tuskegee Airmen (Detroit, Michigan)

For multi-day Black History Month field trips, carries durable plastic and vinyl wristbands that feature a non-transferable SecurSnap® closure. These wristbands are so sturdy that you need a pair of scissors to remove them. You can customize your Black History Month field trip wristbands for an economic price at Add your school’s name, address, and phone number for heightened security. If children get lost on a Black History Month field trip, their customized wristband, that features your school’s information, will help adults re-unite you with your lost student. Parents will have peace of mind knowing their child has proper identification while on their Black History Month school field trip.

Churches also often recognize Black History Month, and Sunday school teachers may want to teach the children under their care about some influential African American men and women who were large contributors to the church. Sunday school teachers can teach children some facts related to Black History Month, and the next time they meet, quiz them. If they answer correctly, you can reward them with a trendy silicone wristband from Ask them who these important contributors to the black church were: Peter Durrett, George Liele, Andrew Bryan and Matthew Moore. People of all ages and demographics like to wear trendy silicone awareness wristbands as a bragging right. You can customize the silicone wristbands you order from with your church or youth group’s name. For example, you could imprint, “Grace Baptist BHM 2013,” or something more descriptive such as, Celebrate Equality 2013.” carries five styles of silicone awareness wristbands, from basic to premium, in 20 bright and vivid colors.

Non-profit organizations and charities may also find wristbands a helpful tool with helping to promote an awareness campaign that is related to Black History Month. If you are a non-profit that supports inner-city youth sports or arts, Black History Month can work to your advantage. If you order custom or stock silicone wristbands in bulk, you will be pleased by how much money you save. Sell the wristbands for $2 and donate the profit to your organization or non-profit of choice. Brand your campaign by purchasing premium color-fill debossed silicone wristbands from with your charity’s personal message imprinted onto the surface of the wristbands. You can even imprint line art and cool graphics onto the surface of the wristbands for an even greater impact.

Black History Month should not only be educational, it should be fun! Be adventurous and give your students a field trip they will remember by visiting a historical site or library related to Black History Month. Make sure to order your plastic, vinyl, silicone, or Tyvek® wristbands from early enough to make it in time for your field trip. The more you buy, the more you can save, so stock up on wristbands for the following year’s Black History Month. You will be easily able to keep track of children and parent volunteers with bright and noticeable wristbands from With so many styles and materials to choose from, you are sure to find the perfect Black History Month wristbands for your class on Don’t forget to order today and enjoy the savings from

Using Wristbands for Your Valentine’s Day Party Ideas

5 Feb

Valentine’s Day is one of the busiest nights a year for restaurants and bars, and staff may become overwhelmed if their facility is not sufficiently prepared for the inevitable Valentine’s Day rush. Like adults, children also look forward to Valentine’s Day, mainly for the candies and cards they will receive from their classmates during parties at school.

Since Valentine’s Day has become such a largely commercialized holiday, many places of business create promotional Valentine’s Day items to give to customers, such as pink or red silicone wristbands with a company’s name imprinted onto the surface. Likewise, charities or fundraising committees also follow the Valentine theme by creating awareness campaigns offering keepsake items, such as custom Valentine’s Day wristbands, in exchange for donations to their charity or non-profit organization. Even churches and temples have Valentine’s Day events for the members and children of their congregations. offers a huge selection of stock red, pink, and hot pink wristbands, and custom Valentine’s Day wristbands to keep track of attendees, verify age, and more. Whether you’re hosting a Valentine’s Day event at your bar or restaurant, or are collecting donations to raise awareness for heart disease, choose for all your Valentine’s Day organizational and fundraising needs.

Bars, restaurants, and nightclubs often have special deals and discounts to attract large crowds for Valentine’s Day. It is likely going to be a crowded evening, and if alcohol is going to be served, age verification wristbands are a must. carries bright pink and red “Over 21” wristbands that will tie perfectly into the Valentine’s Day color scheme. If you are looking for fun wristbands that sparkle under any type of lighting, order our holographic wristbands, made from a strong tri-laminate material, that are available in a variety of glittery Valentine’s Day colors. At, you can customize any wristband for just a couple cents more per piece, to make your very own personalized Valentine’s Day patron ID. You can print your own custom messages, such as “Valentine’s Day 2013 at Club Dance,” on the wristbands for your bar, restaurant, or nightclub. Your custom wristbands will serve as a special Valentine’s Day memory to your guests.

Schools may also find wristbands helpful if they are going to be hosting a Valentine’s Day dance in the evening or a school-wide Valentine’s Day party during the day. Many elementary schools have a Valentine’s Day parade for their students, and teachers or staff may want to purchase wristbands to keep count of children and verify the ID of adult volunteers. You can purchase Tyvek®, vinyl, and plastic wristbands from that feature a patented SecurSnap® non-transferable closure. Kids love our ClearImage® see-through wristbands available in multiple colors that work perfectly for Valentine’s Day. If your school is hosting a Valentine’s Day dance in the evening, purchase custom wristbands from and give the students a keepsake to take home with them. Silicone wristbands are trendy for high school students, and offers five unique styles of silicone wristbands, from basic to premium, in 20 bright colors. You can custom print line art, such as hearts, onto the surface of the silicone wristbands and use silkscreen or color-fill to add a personalized message such as, “Royal HS Valentine’s Dance 2013.”   

Stores and other places of business often decorate for Valentine’s Day. Places like dental offices, medical offices, and banks will often put a basket of Valentine’s Day candies or other freebies out for customers to take. Instead of handing out candies like so many other businesses, you can purchase custom wristbands with Valentine’s Day messages to give to your customers. You can easily fit short phrases like, “First Bank 2013 Valentine’s Day,” or “Happy Valentine’s Day from Dr. Smith.” Silicone wristbands serve as a fun and free promotional gift that customers of all ages will enjoy. Unlike candy, which after consumed is quickly forgotten, your Valentine’s Day wristbands can be worn for months on end. Economically-priced promotional wristbands can serve as free advertisement on anyone who wears them. Wristbands are an excellent conversation starter, and people will be likely to remember your business because of your colorful Valentine’s Day wristbands they see someone they know wearing.

Wristbands are also great for fundraising and awareness campaigns. You can use Valentine’s Day wristbands as promotion for your awareness campaign. For example, if you are raising funds for a heart disease fundraising campaign, it would be clever to tie in Valentine’s Day because it is commonly associated with hearts. Order pink, red, purple, and white Valentine’s Day silicone wristbands with custom messages like, “Putting an End to Heart Disease,” or ”2013 Heart Disease Prevention.” You can ask for $1 or $2 donations for the custom Valentine’s Day themed awareness wristbands and give the money to the appropriate charity. Silicone wristbands are ideal for fundraising and awareness campaigns because not only are they re wearable, but they are extremely fashionable and popular. People will be happy to donate several dollars to your charitable cause because it makes them feel good to give back to society. People will also enjoy wearing their awareness campaign wristband because others will ask them what they are and it will give people an opportunity to explain how they helped spread some love for the less fortunate this Valentine’s Day.

Lastly, churches and temples that are hosting Valentine’s Day events should purchase wristbands from to help keep your event organized, keep track of attendees, manage food and beverages, and to hand out as prizes. It may be fun to host a Valentine’s Day fair with an assortment of games and booths. You can order custom wristbands in Valentine’s Day colors with your church or temple’s name printed on the surface of the wristband. It’s easy to fit a message such as, “Church of Christ Valentine’s Day 2013” or “Valentine’s 2013 at Temple Judea.” Wristbands will add some lighthearted fun to your event and will give it a professional touch. Your congregation will be able to look back at their keepsake silicone wristbands from Valentine’s Day and have fond memories from your event. Remember to order from for the best prices, quality, and largest selection.

Lost & Find Me Idea to Locate Missing Children, Pets and Other Valuable Items

1 Feb

It is not the first news you will hear, if a child is missing in the shopping center.  Of course, many of us had seen flyer of missing dogs, cats or other valuable items. 

The kind of issue is very typical.  Yet, the solutions are not practical until Lost and Find Me bracelet is introduced.  Basically you need a smart phone which can scan QR-Code on the band.  Upon capturing the code, the smart phone will send the profile creator the information of where the item is located via Google Map.  The message will arrive by email or text messages.

The service cost of the bracelet is $12.00 per annual term.  However, you also have to purchase the bracelet itself which runs for $19.99.  You  can use one software to monitor as many bracelets as you subscribed.  You also can scan the QR-Code as often as you like during your subscription period.

Is this a great idea or just another gimmicks to extend product line?  Your comments are welcome!