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Lost & Find Me Idea to Locate Missing Children, Pets and Other Valuable Items

1 Feb

It is not the first news you will hear, if a child is missing in the shopping center.  Of course, many of us had seen flyer of missing dogs, cats or other valuable items. 

The kind of issue is very typical.  Yet, the solutions are not practical until Lost and Find Me bracelet is introduced.  Basically you need a smart phone which can scan QR-Code on the band.  Upon capturing the code, the smart phone will send the profile creator the information of where the item is located via Google Map.  The message will arrive by email or text messages.

The service cost of the bracelet is $12.00 per annual term.  However, you also have to purchase the bracelet itself which runs for $19.99.  You  can use one software to monitor as many bracelets as you subscribed.  You also can scan the QR-Code as often as you like during your subscription period.

Is this a great idea or just another gimmicks to extend product line?  Your comments are welcome!

Bar Code Wristbands to Streamline Business Operations

12 Jun

One of the challenges of running a business or facility is making it as efficient as possible. From managing events at venues to running a prison and keeping it secure to administering a hospital, bar code wristbands help streamline operations. 

If you are looking for a way to bump up security and track where patrons are spending their money, bar code wristbands are the solution. Bar code wristbands are non transferable and each bar code is unique. For cashless events, the barcode on a patron’s wristband can be tied to their credit card when he or she arrives. Their information can be tied to your data system to increase the efficiency of operations, and provide data tracking and analysis. 

If you want to track where guests are spending their money, bar code wristbands are a reliable way to accomplish this. With each purchase, the items and the concert wristband are scanned. You can track the number of trips that were made to the concession stand and what was purchased. If the concert goer purchased a souvenir, like a t-shirt, cap or sweatshirt, you can see the stats.

Some samples of unique designs wristbands with QR-Code and bar code features

Along with all the details, bar code wristbands also enable you to track attendance levels. You can find out how many people attended an entire event. You can learn how many people go to Concession Stand A versus Concession Stand B. If the event putting bar codes to use is a festival or carnival, bar code wristbands can be used to discover how many people visited certain attractions.
Bar code wristbands can be used to increase efficiency at more places than venues that host entertainers. They can be used to streamline operations of nearly any facility. A couple examples include prisons and hospitals.

In prisons, bar code wristbands can play a vital role in positively identifying an inmate and can streamline the following operations:

·         Assist and improve inmate transfer
·         Head counts
·         Commissary account debiting
·         Medication administration

Made of durable materials with a multi-laminate that protects photos, bar codes and data, bar code wristbands are secured onto an inmate’s wrist and worn 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. Doing so helps reduce erroneous transfers and releases of inmates, which could obviously cause a big, alarming problem. 

For inmates on medication, bar code wristbands are beneficial. Guards who administer medication can scan the inmate’s bar code wristband to ensure he is distributing the correct medication and correct dosage to the inmate. Quick and simple scans like this improve procedures, increase safety and save time.

Bar code wristbands in hospitals help to ensure patient safety and assist in preventing dangerous medical errors. For hospitals, it is important to choose a bar code wristband that meets the requirements of the following organizations:

·         The Joint Commission for improving the accuracy of patient identification
·         World Healthcare Organization for improving the accuracy of patient identification
·         HIPAA for protection of patient privacy
·         AHA to reduce risk of lost or transferred data

Bar code wristbands can feature printed text, linear and 2D bar codes, photo ID and graphics—all of which help prevent any errors that could be caused by illegible handwriting. Bar code wristbands provide crisp, clear and compliant bar codes that are easy to scan, improving the accuracy of patient identification.
With bar code wristbands, newborns are easily matched with his or her parents. Typically, when a baby is born, it is registered into a patient management system. Bar code wristbands are printed: two large ones for each parent and two small ones for the baby’s wrist and ankle. The information included on the bar code wristband to identify the newborn includes name, birth date, sex, and unique bar coded patient number in a legible format.

When it comes to bedside point-of-care, the accuracy of bar code wristbands enables personnel to instantly capture and verify data for medication administration, point-of-care testing, transfusion, specimen collection/tracking, surgical site safety and patient billing.
Bar code wristbands help hospitals meet the needs of the following Joint Commission National Patient Safety Goals:

·         Goal #1: Improve the accuracy of patient identification
·         Goal #2: Improve the effectiveness of communication among caregivers
·         Goal #8: Accurately and completely reconcile medications across the continuum of care

Whatever the operation at hand, bar code wristbands help streamline it by preventing simple-to-make errors and increasing efficiency. From helping increase security to assisting with accurate identification, bar code wristbands do quite a job.

Article Source: – Direct Custom Made Wristbands Manufacturer since 1956 in USA

Staying Together with Identification Wristbands

4 Jun

Whether it’s a group of adults or young students who are out and about on a day trip, identification wristbands are an economical way to keep track of everyone. Safety is a big concern—no matter what the size or age of a group. Durable and tear-resistant, group identification wristbands are ideal for group day trips. Group identification wristbands provide quick and easy identification of everyone in a group.
Popular day trips for student might include the zoo, a museum, skating rink, or local historical site. For adults, it could be a group tour of a brewery, museum, sports venue, or another local tourist site. Whatever the case, group identification wristbands assist in the prevention of losing one another in a large crowd.
When it comes to group day trips that involve kids, the adults responsible for their safety have one goal: do not lose anyone! Any venue that the group is attending has a similar goal: keep the children safe. Group identification wristbands have pre-printed lines where you can use a permanent marker to write the child’s name, along with the chaperone’s name and cell phone number. Wristbands can be turned inside out as an added measure of safety so that strangers are not able to see the child’s name by glancing at his or her wrist. The emergency contact information is only exposed when the child reaches out to an authority figure and asks for help.
If a child does become separated from their group, they can approach an authority figure for help. With a chaperone’s phone number printed on the identification wristband, the authority figure can call it immediately to notify the contact of the lost child. Chaperones should have their cell phones with them and the ringer turned on at all times to ensure that a lost child can be quickly and safely reunited with the group.
For adult group day trips, there should be designated leaders who have cell phones with them and the ringer turned on at all times. It’s a good idea to print the leader’s cell phone number directly on the group identification wristband. If anyone loses track of the group, they can simply look at their wrist, dial the number and find the group—fast! If the group trip is a guided tour that is on a tight schedule, this little hiccup won’t eat up too much time.
As important as safety and security both are during group day trips, group identification wristbands have an additional benefit. Custom printing makes identification wristbands a powerful marketing tool.
You can customize group identification wristbands by imprinting logos or fun designs. Whether you want to promote a venue, charity, group or club, or another business, imprinting lends itself to effective word-of-mouth advertising. People tend to wear group identification wristbands for several days after the day trip is over. They want to hold onto the memories of a good time! Some people will wear their group identification wristbands for weeks or months afterward. It practically becomes a moving mini billboard with a live spokesperson. With an eye-catching color and a cool logo imprinted on it, group identification wristbands are a conversation starter. The person adorning the group identification wristband will share positive, fun stories about their experience—a live testimonial!
Group identification wristbands can also be used to promote sales after the day trip is over. Custom messages encouraging return trips to the venue or visits to the websites or stores of any business sponsors can be printed directly on the wristband. As an example, maybe the Museum of Natural Science wants to encourage all the kids to bring their families to a new exhibit opening next month. The group identification wristband can be turned into a coupon by imprinting a something like, “buy 3 MoNS tickets, get 1 free”. Or, if a group of adults went on a group brewery tour, “show us your wristband, get a free pint with dinner” could be imprinted. Not only is the company being promoted, but also you are motivating group participants to take action and spend money.
Another effective way to get people to take action is to imprinting quick response (QR) codes directly on group identification wristbands. QR codes imprinted on group identification wristbands can be used to offer almost anything from discounted tickets for upcoming events to buy-one-get-one-free lunches.
Keep everyone together with group identification wristbands. And, why not get a little marketing accomplished while you’re at it?

Explore Your Slogan with Wristbands

1 Jun

Branding is an important aspect of marketing
The most effective form of advertising is word of mouth advertising. If a friend or family member shares their excitement about a product, service or charity, chances are you will put a lot of weight on their testimonial. An effective way to trigger conversation about a product, service or charity is custom wristbands. Available in a wide variety of styles and vibrant colors, custom wristbands can be imprinted with eye-catching logos, designs and taglines that are sure-fire conversation starters.
There are many excuses for distributing custom wristbands:
·         Charity events
·         Concerts
·         Giveaways at trade shows, car washes, and other promotional activities
·         Pub crawls
·         Golf tournaments
·         Raffles
·         Festivals, carnivals and fairs
Actually, the list is endless.
By imprinting logos, unique designs or clever taglines on custom wristbands, they become walking, talking mini billboards and sure-fire eye catchers that provide a unique way to heighten brand awareness and build customer loyalty. When people have a good experience at an event or while participating in an activity where they receive a custom wristband to wear, they will want to hang onto the fun memory for a while. People tend to wear their custom wristbands for days, weeks—event months—after a fun event is over. That’s when the word of mouth advertising begins.
In addition to imprinting logos, designs and taglines onto custom wristbands you can also imprint custom coupons. Not only will you promote your message, but you will get people to take action. Some coupon suggestions include imprinting something like, “get 15% off product X with this wristband” or “show us your wristband and get $25 off when you spend $100.”
QR-Code Wristbands are very effective marketing tool to promote  venue location and raffles
You can also round up sponsors to buy advertising space and imprint their own logo, tagline or coupon. Doing so will help you cover the costs of the custom wristband. In fact, you might even make a profit! If there’s enough room to imprint more than one promotion or coupon, why not find two or three sponsors? Let’s say you are hosting a post-game night celebration for local, young athletes. You could get a local sporting goods store to sponsor the event and purchase advertising space on the custom wristbands. Along with their logo, a coupon could be imprinted, such as, “show us your wristband, get 20% off purchase.” It’s an excellent opportunity for companies to reach a highly targeted audience.
Quick response (QR) codes are another effective way to get people to take action. QR codes are those little two-dimensional bar codes that seem to be popping up all over the place these days. Anyone who has a Smart phone can just take a photo of the codes, which will lead them to a wide variety of information, offers, and freebies for on-the-go access. Usually these offers are exclusive. QR codes imprinted on custom wristbands can be used to offer almost anything from opting in to newsletters to get exclusive discounts to buy-one-get-one-free lunch offers. If you’re attending a conference, QR codes can keep you updated on the seminar schedule. If you’re at a night club, you can access a the playlist.
Whether you imprint a QR code or website address, custom wristbands can be a catalyst for social media activity. You can boost “likes” on Facebook and round up hoards of followers on Twitter by inviting people to do so. As an added incentive, you can hold online contests. Maybe take people to a web page that explains that the first 50 people to post/tag photos of the event will receive a 10% off coupon at Business X. Or, if this is for a charity, have people post their story about how the cause has affected their life. Each person who posts a brief story gets a $10 donation made to the charity in their name. If you’re hosting an event, hold a contest for check-ins. Every hour have a prize drawing. Each person who checks in to the event on Facebook gets their name entered into the drawing.
Custom wristbands provide a world of possibilities for promoting organizations and events. By simply imprinting a logo, design or tagline to imprinting QR codes or website URLs, custom wristbands trigger conversation. Nothing beats a positive recommendation from a dear friend or loved one. 
Not only do custom wristbands encourage the most effective form of advertising—word-of-mouth—but also, custom wristbands are a minimal expense. If you are able to get sponsors to purchase wristband advertising space, you will likely come out ahead. Custom wristbands are certainly an easy, affordable and effective promotional tool!
Source: – Direct Custom Made Wristbands Manufacturer in USA since 1956

Promote Your Business or Event with Wristbands

1 Jun

If you are looking for a new and unique way to promote your company or an upcoming event, wristbands are a highly effective and economical strategy to use for spreading the word. There are numerous ways to creatively champion your business or an upcoming event with event wristbands. Here are a handful of winning ideas.
Imprint logos. Custom event wristbands are a walking mini billboard. Let’s say your company sponsors or hosts an event. Custom wristbands can serve double duties: branding and security/crowd control. When guests have a great experience at your event, they will likely keep wearing the wristband for days or weeks to come. It can become a conversation starter wherever your guests may roam—the water cooler, hairdresser, grocery store, and the like. To more effectively spread the word, you could imprint your company’s website address on the wristband. In this day of social media, it’s highly possible that some of your guests may get on Twitter or Facebook and tweet or post your website address, and then comment about the fabulous time they had at your event.
Imprint custom coupons. When you distribute wristbands at an event hosted or sponsored by your company, custom messages can be printed. You can turn the event wristband into a coupon by printing something like, “get 10% off product X with this wristband” or “show us your wristband and get $20 off when you spend $100.” In addition to promoting your company from their wrist, an imprinted coupon serves as incentive for guests to take action and purchase your company’s products or services.
Imprint quick response (QR) codes. Have you noticed those little two-dimensional barcodes popping up in surprising places? You may have seen them on business cards, in magazines, on flyers and coupons, even on badges and articles of clothing. For those with smart phones, these codes contain information, offers, and freebies that can be accessed on the go and sometimes exclusively. QR codes imprinted on event wristbandscan be used to offer almost anything from discounted tickets for upcoming events to buy-one-get-one-free lunches. They can link to anything from a continuously updated playlist at a DJ night to an updated schedule of seminars at a tradeshow or all-day conference.
Have a team-building car wash. Promote your organization by hosting a car wash, while simultaneously building teamwork and communication. With the logo or slogan imprinted on the event wristbands, you can hand them out to further promote your business. At the end of the day, multiple people will be walking around town advertising your company by wearing it on their wrist.
Organize a pub crawl for a charity. Why not have a little fun while raising funds for an important cause that your company supports? Wristbands can enhance the experience for participants because they become easily identifiable to bouncers, bartenders and wait staff at each tavern stop. All participants need to do is flash their wristbands to gain entry into the establishment and fetch drinks from the bar. No worries about digging for a ticket or card in a purse, billfold or pocket. Chances of losing a wristband are practically nil because it is comfortably worn around the wrist.
Designate VIP Access. If you are hosting a corporate or fundraising event at a public site, like a large hotel, event wristbands are a strategic way to provide access control and promote your organization. You could line up guest speakers or celebrities to draw in crowds of people to attend your event. Different color event wristbands can designate different groups of people. Perhaps red indicates the guest is authorized to attend the speaking engagement, while green lets security know the guest is allowed back stage to meet the speaker when the presentation is over. Different color wristbands can also be used to honor VIP donors or volunteers who maybe have special access.
Hold contests or raffles. You can use serial numbered wristbands for special promotion contests or raffles. If you’re hosting a raffle at your business or event, using serial numbered event wristbands with pull-off tabs are easy to use and fun for the participants. Each person who buys an entry to your raffle gets a wristband to wear and removes the detachable stub, which serves as the ticket stub. The stub is entered into the raffle. When the winning numbers are announced, each person just checks the wristband adorned on their wrist. Good bye lost tickets!
There are seemingly endless possibilities to promote your organization or event with wristbands. Get creative and have fun with this easy, affordable promotional tool!

Evolving Technology in the Wristband Industry

31 May

Bar Coding and QR Codes are common practice in the industry
Technology is continuously evolving—even in the wristband industry. You can now get recognition technology, such as bar codes, quick response (QR) codes and Microsoft tags custom printed on wristbands. QR Code Wristbands can enhance the guest experience of any event, and there are a multitude of ways to put them to use to promote your company. First, what is a QR code?
QR codes are a type of recognition technology, similar to bar codes and Microsoft tags. QR codes are black and white, two-dimensional bar codes. When they are scanned or read with an iPhone, Android or other camera-enabled Smart phone, a number of different functions can be activated to engage your guest, such as:
·         Go to your organization’s website
·         Call your organization’s 800 number
·         Download digital content
·         Promote your organization through social networking
Learning more about your organization is super convenient with QR Code Wristbands because guests no longer need to type a long URL, send a text message, or perform web searches to dig up information about your organization. Instead, they just scan the QR code on their wrist!
QR Code Wristbands provide incentive for your guests to take action. Let’s say you’re hosting a charity event and when guests enter, they are given QR Code Wristbands to wear. They can scan the QR code then and there with their Smart phone. Perhaps it takes them to a donation website page. After making their own donation, they can “check-in” on Facebook and/or Four Square with a link to the donation page and encourage their friends to contribute to your great cause.
Different Types of QR Code on Wristbands
QR Code Wristbands can offer exclusive discounts. Maybe all guests at the grand opening of a beauty salon will receive exclusive discounts on a posh new line of hair products. The QR code could also link to an invitation to opt in to the salon’s monthly newsletter to receive generous discounts on hair treatments, facials or makeovers.
If you’re having a yearly corporate meeting, QR Code Wristbands could link to prizes. Maybe a few employees are the lucky recipients of QR Code Wristbands that link to the grand prize of two tickets to a professional home team basketball game, while a small handful of employees get 50% off coupons at a local electronics store. And, finally, a large handful of employees win a free lunch at a favorite local restaurant.
QR Code Wristbands are a fun way to entertain guests—even after your event is over. If the QR code printed on their wristband goes to your website, you can invite them to do almost anything. Here are some ideas:
·         Order event merchandise
·         Receive exclusive discounts
·         Opt-in to your newsletter
·         Take your online poll
·         View event schedules
·         Make a donation or pledge
·         Enter your contest
·         Link to your iTunes
Interacting with guests through social media is made easy with QR Code Wristbands. As mentioned before, guests can “check in” at your location. They can also be led directly to Facebook or Twitter pages so they can “like” or follow your business to stay informed about your next events or other hot happenings. QR codes can also lead new fans to your YouTube videos.
Distributing QR Code Wristbands provides an easy means for guests to stay connected to you. The QR code can dial your 800# or create a business contact listing on their phone for quick access. Guests can be invited to sign up for text alerts, making it easy for you to keep them up-to-date. You can also offer them freebies to download like music, images, wallpaper and music. Guests will continuously be reminded of your business in a positive light!
QR Code Wristbands offer a savvy and high tech marketing solution for your business. QR codes enable you to connect directly with guests on a one-to-one basis, giving them incentives and offers. Building a positive relationship, you can create raving fans who will happily promote your business via social networking. QR Code Wristbands are a fantastic way to stretch your advertising and marketing dollars!
QR Codes are widely used and can be read by a large number of mobile apps. Since they are fast, easy and FREE to set up, you can’t go wrong! Here is how to quickly create your QR wristbands:
1.       Generate a QR Code for your desired action completely FREE at
2.       Select one of our custom printed wristbands to imprint your QR Code.
3.       Submit your QR Code and artwork/logo to imprint on your selected wristband.
Source: – Direct Custom Wristbands Manufacturer in USA