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Celebrate Mardi Gras With Safety Measurements For Your Valuable Guests

25 Jan

Mardi Gras is a historical tradition, globally recognized for its reckless and wild parties and parades, that had continued to thrive for thousands of years. The French phrase Mardi Gras means “Fat Tuesday,” which is the annual ritual of debauchery and indulging in fatty foods before Lent, a season of fasting. In the past, the occasion was most commonly celebrated in states like Alabama and Louisiana, but today, more and more people throughout the United States are choosing to participate in the celebration of Mardi Gras. If you are planning a large Mardi Gras party for your bar or nightclub, or are hosting one at your home, choose from a wide selection of wristbands from to help keep your event safe and organized. 

Mardi Gras celebrations are a big hit for Bars and nightclubs, and being prepared for larger than normal crowds is a must. With its ornate beads, masks, and bold colors – Mardi Gras can be a great way to attract extra business to your bar or nightclub. carries all sorts of decorative and non-transferable wristbands in a variety of materials and styles. For just a few cents more per wristband, you can order customized wristbands with printed messages like, “Happy Mardi Gras,” on any type of wristband we offer. Make sure you can identify and accommodate all your guests by having different colored and customized wristbands on hand.

Since Mardi Gras can be celebrated for about a three-week period, bars and nightclubs would be smart to purchase a variety of custom wristbands from to help ensure guests are not re-using wristbands from a previous night to gain admission. The three colors of the Mardi Gras flag are: purple for justice;  gold for power; and green for faith. Purchase vinyl, plastic, silicone, or Tyvek® wristbands in all three of the Mardi Gras colors to help add spirit to any Mardi Gras themed event. It may be fun to print common celebratory French Mardi Gras, or “Shrove Tuesday” phrases on a variety of colored wristbands. Purchase wristbands in the three classic Mardi Gras colors, with the following short French and English phrases custom printed onto their surface:

  • Bon Mardi Gras! (Good Shrove Tuesday!)
  • Joyeux Mardi Gras! (Merry Shrove Tuesday!)
  • Heureux Mardi Gras! (Happy Shrove Tuesday!)

You can use wristbands at your bar or nightclub for admission, age verification, designated driver identification, VIP privileges, and as tickets for food or beverages. If you are hosting a Mardi Gras event for adults, there will undoubtedly be liquor present. Order age verification wristbands from to ensure only of-age guests are purchasing and consuming alcohol. Use one Mardi Gras color, such as purple, to identify adults 21-years-old and above. Use another Mardi Gras color, like green, for underage guests. To add some festivity to your event, add a small amount of food color to different types of beer and serve gold, green, and purple drinks. carries premium Wrist-Rider® wristbands that feature three, four, or five tear-off tabs that can be redeemed for refreshments. We offer an assortment of stock Wrist-Rider® wristbands that feature the tear-off tabs printed with numbers. Or, customize your wristbands with classic Mardi Gras colors, graphics, and your bar or nightclub name imprinted onto the surface of the wristband to serve as a branding tool.

In addition to bars and nightclubs, many people throw parties at their home to celebrate the Mardi Gras season. If you are hosting a large party, you may want to have a cover charge at the door. You can hand the wristbands out at the door when your guests arrive and pay to help the duration of your Mardi Gras party run smoothly. carries colorful glitter and metallic wristbands in all three of the classic Mardi Gras colors that are ideal for parties. Kids will love the metallic purple, green, and gold tri-laminate wristbands, that sparkle and shine in all types of lighting, available for purchase at We also carry five customizable styles of trendy silicone wristbands that both kids and adults will love to wear. Order custom premium color-fill debossed silicone wristbands with Mardi Gras graphics like court jester hats and masks imprinted onto them. Place the graphics around the date of you party, “Jones Mardi Gras Ball – Jan. 2013.” Guests will enjoy taking home a keepsake from your party that is stylish to wear!

There are all sorts of fun decorations and activities that serve as entertainment for Mardi Gras parties.  Balloons, beads, confetti, costumes, masks, and streamers all highlight the spirit of Mardi Gras and are an inexpensive way to decorate in true Mardi Gras style. You can inform guest on your invitations that there will be a costume contest, as elaborate costumes are a major part of the Mardi Gras celebration. For guests who arrive without costume, set up a mask creation station so all attendees will have something festive to wear. Masks can be adorned with all the Mardi Gras classics like beads, feathers, glitter, paint, and sequins. If less guests arrive than expected, you can chain-link leftover wristbands together to make bright and colorful, yet highly economical, decorations for your Mardi Gras party.

Mardi Gras can be a fun history and cultural lesson to teach children at school or in the home. Teach children about the culture behind Mardi Gras by preparing traditional Cajun dishes and playing customary games such as “King’s Cake.” Place a plastic baby figurine in a random place in the cake, and whoever gets the slice with the baby in it is “king” or “queen” of the Mardi Gras party. You can also make Mardi Gras colored Jell-o® shots to add some lighthearted fun to your event. For large parties, implement Wrist-Rider® wristbands and charge $3 per tab. Your guests can redeem the tabs for a plate of traditional Cajun cuisine or a fun Mardi Gras drink. Use different colored Wrist-Rider® wristbands for food and alcohol, if you are going to price them differently. There are countless ways that wristbands can help you stay organized at any Mardi Gras celebration, so make sure to order wristbands from today to ensure they arrive in time for your Mardi Gras party.

Social Media Success Story: How Bonnaroo Used Wristbands to Foster Massive Engagement

11 Jul

Reducing long waiting lines for attendees

As the 80,000 attendees at this year’s Bonnaroo Music & Arts Festival celebrated on a Tennessee farm June 7-10, news of their daily activities was posting to Facebook, creating nearly 1.5 million social impressions. But the attendees weren’t pulling out their smartphones to connect to Facebook; instead they were swiping wristbands with radio frequency identification (R.F.I.D.) technology at one of 20 check-in portals around the 700-acre venue.

Of the 80,000 people who purchased wristbands (which served as the only form of ticket to the festival), 74,000 registered them online and about half of those people connected the wristbands to their Facebook accounts. Those people swiped their wristbands more than 200,000 times, generating check-ins on Facebook that allowed their online friends to see what they were doing at Bonnaroo. Issaq said on average each of those 200,000 check-ins received about seven “likes” or comments, leading to the calculation of 1.5 million social impressions.

Bonnaroo also used R.F.I.D. wristbands from Intellitix in 2011, but this was the first year of the Facebook integration. In the weeks leading up to the festival, organizers encouraged guests to register their wristband online, offering incentives such as V.I.P. upgrades and festival merchandise and the chance to win a Ford Escape from Ford Motor Company, which sponsored the social check-ins.

“We also drove home the message of registration as a way to personalize your wristband,” Issaq said. “We didn’t want to focus on ‘register’; it was ‘personalize.'” The registration allowed Superfly to stem counterfeits and also provided security for guests. “We pointed out that if you lose your wristband, we have proof it was associated to you,” he said.

About 55,000 individuals opted in for a chance to win the car and another 10,000 agreed to receive future communications from Ford. In addition to that data, the auto company benefited from having its name associated with each Facebook check-in: the online posts included a graphic saying “Checked in by Ford Escape.”

“No other festival had really tapped into the technology of R.F.I.D. in such a broad social reach,” said Ginger Kasanic, Ford’s experiential marketing manager. “This intersection of cool technology and social conversation is the heart of the Escape persona and the perfect platform to connect the Escape to the Bonnaroo audience.”

The focus of Bonnaroo is music, with five stages hosting performances from acts including the Beach Boys to Radiohead to the Red Hot Chili Peppers. Organizers placed two R.F.I.D. portals near each stage. Guests who swiped their wristbands got a check-in on their Facebook page indicating the name of the stage and the act that was performing. At the end of the day, the system made a second post to that guest’s Facebook: a recap of all of the acts the person had seen that day with a link to Spotify that provided the act’s Bonnaroo set list and a playlist of studio tracks of those songs.

“I think that was the most valuable piece—the content on the back end,” Issaq said. “That’s what people were most excited about.” Organizers plan to take what they learned this year to develop strategy for 2013. “I would want to communicate earlier,” he added. “We pulled this together in about four or five weeks. I would also want more incentives, more special offers, and at the physical event, more strategically placed portals.”

Article was quoted from

Branding Your Business on Wristbands

11 Jul

Festivals are a fun way to celebrate pretty much anything from food and drink to music and sports. There are strawberry festivals, beer festivals, jazz festivals, X Games—just to name some examples. These festivals build community and provide a safe place for families and people of all ages to have a good time. To ensure guests are having fun, it is important to control access and ensure their safety. One of the goals of many festivals is to generate some revenue, so usually admission is charged. How can you enhance the safety of guests and boost sales at a festival? Festival wristbands can help.

Promotional messages can be applied to any type of wristbands
Various Messages in Wristbands for promotions and brands awareness

Festival wristbands serve two important purposes in highly effective ways. First, boosting security so that guests who pay for their ticket get full value and the service they deserve, while keeping intruders at bay. Second, growing sales through an economical marketing strategy that reaches beyond festival guests—touching their friends, family, co-workers, neighbors and even strangers they may pass on the street. 

Many festivals celebrate alcoholic beverages. Beer festivals and wine festivals are quite popular nowadays. If alcohol is being served at a festival, festival wristbands can be used to identify people of legal drinking age. Festival staff can verify guest IDs upon entrance into the festival. A festival wristband imprinted with the words “Over 21” can be fastened to the wrist of guests who are of legal age to drink. This really speeds up service and guest satisfaction. Servers can quickly identify who they can serve alcohol to without rechecking IDs each time. People who do not have to wait in long lines are more likely to come back for more. Quicker moving lines means increased sales.

Festivals oftentimes are host to special events or exclusive shows, which are scheduled within the duration of the festival and entail the purchase of an additional, separate ticket. It’s critical to identify paid patrons for these special shows. Festival wristbands come in many different colors, so color coding can be used to indicate and identify different levels of access—general admission, VIPs, staff, volunteers, performers, or other types of guests. Since festival wristbands are brightly colored and highly visible, they make it easy for staff to identify authorized persons and remove anyone from the premises who isn’t permitted. Colors can also be used to indicate different festival dates or days. Maybe green festival wristbands are distributed on Friday and yellow festival wristbands are distributed on Saturday.

Beyond colors, festival wristbands can be customized by imprinting a logo or tagline to make them more unique; doing so helps prevent counterfeiters and gate crashers from gaining access to a festival. Some people think they can get away with purchasing stock wristbands from a party store and sneaking in for free. Custom festival wristbands won’t let that happen. They are the perfect assistant for security staff. 

Strong branding messages on events via wristbands
Bright Colors work well to enhance branding messages

In addition to assisting with security, customized festival wristbands assist with promoting your festival’s brand. Besides your logo and tagline, you can also include the festival dates and sponsors’ logos on festival wristbands. 

Sponsorships are a great way to cover the cost of your festival wristband program. In fact, you might even be able to make a profit. You can sell advertising space to sponsors and do promotions. Maybe a new Italian restaurant has a booth set up at your festival. You could imprint a coupon right on the festival wristband beneath their logo, like “Stop by our booth, get a free scoop of gelato!”

Along the lines of promotion and branding, if you want to increase attendance as the weekend moves along, create some buzz via social media. You can imprint either a website address, QR (quick response) code or both onto festival wristbands. People can post photos of the fun their having at the festival and “check in” or post encouraging friends and followers to join in on the festivities. You create a QR code could that leads people to an invitation to come back to the festival tomorrow night. Encourage them with a bit of incentive: “Bring a friend, get in free!” QR codes have a way of engaging people and encouraging them to take action. 

Festival wristbands offer a multitude of ways to provide a safe environment and grow sales. When customized with a cool design, logo or tagline, people tend to wear them even after they’ve festival grounds. Festival wristbands become conversation starters, providing guests the opportunity to encourage friends and family to attend your fun-filled festival.

Monitoring Guests with Wristbands for Alcohol Control

1 Jun

Wine and spirits are consumed out of enjoyment by many. Enjoying a glass of wine, beer or a cocktail can help people relax and loosen up after a hard workday. Most enjoy making a toast and having one or two drinks with their friends. There are the occasions, though, when too many drinks can lead to unwanted behavior: belligerence, even violence. Whether hosting an event, organizing a beer or wine festival or running a bar, you want your guests to have a good time and not have to deal with another patron getting out of control. An effective way to monitor guests and control alcohol consumption is with wristbands for bars.

Wristbands for bars have detachable tabs. You can choose from three, four or five detachable tabs, which can be used as a ticketing system for alcoholic beverages, as well as food. Each detachable tab is sequentially numbered, which helps in your efforts to monitor patrons’ consumption of alcohol, making wristbands for bars ideal for wine festivals, beer festivals or any open bar events with limited drinks.
Wristbands for bars can be securely attached to each guest’s wrist at the entrance of the establishment after a staff member checks identification to verify that he or she is of legal drinking age. Wristbands for bars can be part of a pre-paid package or purchased on the spot. Whichever makes the most sense for your event. In any case, IDs must still be verified before a wristband can be distributed and securely fastened on a guest’s wrist.

Once inside, guests just show their wristband for bars to the bartender when ordering a drink. The bartender tears off a tab, and then serves the guest with a choice beverage. No more tabs? No more drinks.

Wristbands for bars not only assist with monitoring guests for alcohol control, but also assist with security. Since wristbands for bars are non-transferable, nobody is sneaking in. Bartenders and servers can feel confident that they are serving someone of legal age, who has paid their entrance fee. This enables staff to work more efficiently, which leads to happy guests.

Another advantage of non-transferable wristbands for bars is that friends cannot sneak friends inside. One guest cannot get in and then remove his or her wristband to pass it off to a friend in line.
Another way to ramp up security is to custom imprint logos, taglines, the date, the event name or all of the above onto wristbands for bars. Custom imprinting helps prevent counterfeiting. Guests may get wind of wristbands for bars being distributed and try to outsmart the system. Instead of purchasing a ticket for the event, they get the idea of purchasing generic wristbands at a local party store. If you distribute wristbands for bars in a unique color with a unique design, there is no way a fraud is going to get passed security at the entrance.

Custom imprinting onto wristbands for bars also provides an excellent opportunity for marketing. Every single guest’s wrist turns into a mini-billboard. Oftentimes, people wear their wristbands for bars for several days after their big night out. Bright colors and a cool logo will catch the eye of their co-workers, friends and family. They may even be approached by strangers at the grocery store or the gym who are curious about where they went. Nothing is better for business than a referral.
You can also imprint promotions on wristbands for bars. Maybe you want to invite them back to the next bar event? Imprint a QR code or a URL onto the wristbands that sends guests to a page where they can purchase discounted tickets for the next event. Or, invite them to a non-event night—Taco Tuesday—buy a taco, get a beer.

You can also team up with another business, like a winery. Patrons can receive a discount off a winery tour or enjoy a flight of wines by that winery at a discounted price. Businesses can reap rewards by purchasing advertising space on your wristbands for bars. You do, too. Selling ad space will help cover the costs of the wristbands for bars. You might even make a small profit. No matter what, you are definitely building relationships with both patrons and vendors alike, while also building the branding image of your event, festival or bar. That’s smart business!

Source: – Direct Custom Made Wristbands Manufacturer in USA since 1956

Identifying 21 and Over Patrons with Bar Wristbands

1 Jun

Bar wristbands offer several benefits to establishments that serve alcohol. The benefits appease patrons and staff, alike. Non-transferable and brightly colored, bar wristbands make it easy for bar staff to visually verify that a patron has paid the cover charge and had their ID verified. Plus, if a guest needs to leave briefly, they can return with a quick flash of their wrist to the bouncer or greeter. No worries about lost tickets or smudged stamps.

If you want to increase spending, bar wristbands are the way to go. Whether patrons are bellied up to the bar being served by a bartender or seated at a table with an assigned server, the bar staff doesn’t have to spend time checking IDs. As flattering as it is to get carded the further away people get from age 21, digging for IDs in a purse or a wallet is a time-consuming distraction. People go to bars to relax, chill out and enjoy some good conversation with their friends. By having a bouncer or greeter check IDs at the door, and then securely fasten a wristband to the guest’s wrist, the night seems to run more smoothly. All servers need to do is quickly glance at the wristband to know that the person sitting before them is a welcome guest and of legal drinking age. This saves everyone time. Guests who don’t have to wait are happier and tend to spend more money.

Bar wristbands not only provide general admission into an establishment, but also assist with access control. Access control is especially important in a 21 and over club where there is live entertainment, like a popular band playing. Members of the band, along with their crew, can be given designated, colored wristbands for access to authorized areas, enabling them to set up and take down the stage more efficiently. With a quick glimpse, bar staff can identify and distinguish performers from guests and even attempted “party crashers.”

There are two additional ways you can beef up security with bar wristbands. The first is to rotate wristband colors for different nights of the week. That way, if someone tries to get in with the wrong color wristband—especially someone under age—you can quickly “86” them. The second tactic is custom printing, which helps to prevent counterfeiting. Try custom printing the bar’s logo on the wristbands, along with the date. Both of these strategies will prevent people from coasting in without having their ID verified. If you do have a cover charge, both of these strategies will also ensure that patrons do no sneak in for free by reusing a wristband from the night before or last week.

Speaking of custom printing, including the bar’s logo or any promotions on a bar wristband is an excellent marketing strategy. Bar wristbands turn into walking mini-billboards for your business. If someone has a great night out at your bar, they may keep the wristband on for a few days, maybe even weeks. People they encounter at work, the gym, restaurants are sure to inquire about where they went and what the experience was like. People may approach them and request a testimonial, “I heard that place was fun and had great service. Is it really that good?” Word of mouth can spread like wildfire! Custom printing is an excellent catalyst to get the conversation ball rolling.

If you choose to custom print a promotion, there are a couple of different ways to go about this. To increase sales for that night, print a drink special on the wristbands to promote a premium brand. Reinforce the special by having your staff remind them of the promotion that’s right on their wrist. Not only will you increase sales for that night, but patrons will likely start associating your bar with that premium brand that they enjoyed and want to come back for more. A second promotional strategy is to imprint a coupon on the bar wristband. It should be a special that motivates patrons to return. A couple examples include, “buy one drink, get a second one free” or, “try our new microbrew, get a free appetizer.” Bar wristbands have the ability to ignite a good memory of a good time and motivate the 21 and over crowd to return to your well-run establishment.

Also, many bars invest in promotions and events to keep the crowds coming. Wristbands can complement the promotion with a custom printed message enticing patrons to join the event, reserve a table, or “save the date.” Plus, if your bar is awarding door prizes or some other exciting promotional giveaways, then serial numbered wristbands or matching-tab wristbands can help the process. With matching-tab wristbands, simply keep the numbered, tear-off stub for the raffle box and the patrons wear the wristbands. When you hold your raffle and announce the winning number(s) the patrons are wearing their “ticket.” 

Source: – Direct Custom Wristbands manufacturer in USA since 1956.