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RFID Wristbands – A Ticketing Device for Advance Concert Venues

12 Jun

Think back to the last time you got a ticket to go into a festival? Seems like awhile ago right? You might have just received a wrist band that you flashed to security. Those days are long gone as Radio-Frequency Identification (RFID) are the latest (and honestly greatest) in festival technology.

To put it in the easiest terms, RFID is an actual chip (no not your average bag of Ruffles) that sends out a signal. RFID technology has made its way into music festival wristbands. You may have noticed at the last festival you attended (Bonnaroo 2011, Bamboozle 2012, Coachella 2012) that to enter the grounds you had to walk through what looked like a fun metal detector. These “fun metal detectors” had an outline of a hand that security kindly asked to place your hand by. Placing your hand in the outline like a missing puzzle piece, your wristband was validated within a millisecond, letting festival organizers know that “you, (place name here), have made it to the festival!”

RFID access control wristbands are the reason why queues have been cut and ticket fraud is almost extinct.  RFID wristband is some of “the next-generation festival technology.” Maybe you don’t care all that much about shorter entrance lines or the extinction of ticket fraud, but RFID wristbands can actually expand your festival experience. These RFID wristbands can connect festival goers with bands and other fans through social media, and can even be used to pay for items.

Rather than carry a wallet or worry about losing credit cards, in advance or at the event you can load funds onto your wristband to spend around the site.  Transactions occur generally between one and three seconds.

By loading funds onto wristbands, it actually becomes a lot easier for the festival organizers as well. Gone are the long queues due to waiting for credit card transactions to go through, and organizers don’t need to worry about the cash. “It’s much more efficient, much more convenient.  Within the coming year we’re going to see more festival attendees registering their wristband online and link it to their Facebook profiles. At this year’s Coachella, around 30,000 fans did just that.

Besides music festival goers, bands can actually prosper from the new technology as well. A person might discover a band at a festival that they really like. The wristband could help connect a person with the band, letting that person download tracks, along with growing that bands fan base.

Those afraid of damaging the wristband and being denied entrance into a festival need not fear. RFID wristbands are “pretty much indestructible.” Don’t worry about getting them wet either. The wristbands can survive being submerged in up to 18 inches of water. So please continue washing your grubby hands at festivals.

Monitoring Guests with Wristbands for Alcohol Control

1 Jun

Wine and spirits are consumed out of enjoyment by many. Enjoying a glass of wine, beer or a cocktail can help people relax and loosen up after a hard workday. Most enjoy making a toast and having one or two drinks with their friends. There are the occasions, though, when too many drinks can lead to unwanted behavior: belligerence, even violence. Whether hosting an event, organizing a beer or wine festival or running a bar, you want your guests to have a good time and not have to deal with another patron getting out of control. An effective way to monitor guests and control alcohol consumption is with wristbands for bars.

Wristbands for bars have detachable tabs. You can choose from three, four or five detachable tabs, which can be used as a ticketing system for alcoholic beverages, as well as food. Each detachable tab is sequentially numbered, which helps in your efforts to monitor patrons’ consumption of alcohol, making wristbands for bars ideal for wine festivals, beer festivals or any open bar events with limited drinks.
Wristbands for bars can be securely attached to each guest’s wrist at the entrance of the establishment after a staff member checks identification to verify that he or she is of legal drinking age. Wristbands for bars can be part of a pre-paid package or purchased on the spot. Whichever makes the most sense for your event. In any case, IDs must still be verified before a wristband can be distributed and securely fastened on a guest’s wrist.

Once inside, guests just show their wristband for bars to the bartender when ordering a drink. The bartender tears off a tab, and then serves the guest with a choice beverage. No more tabs? No more drinks.

Wristbands for bars not only assist with monitoring guests for alcohol control, but also assist with security. Since wristbands for bars are non-transferable, nobody is sneaking in. Bartenders and servers can feel confident that they are serving someone of legal age, who has paid their entrance fee. This enables staff to work more efficiently, which leads to happy guests.

Another advantage of non-transferable wristbands for bars is that friends cannot sneak friends inside. One guest cannot get in and then remove his or her wristband to pass it off to a friend in line.
Another way to ramp up security is to custom imprint logos, taglines, the date, the event name or all of the above onto wristbands for bars. Custom imprinting helps prevent counterfeiting. Guests may get wind of wristbands for bars being distributed and try to outsmart the system. Instead of purchasing a ticket for the event, they get the idea of purchasing generic wristbands at a local party store. If you distribute wristbands for bars in a unique color with a unique design, there is no way a fraud is going to get passed security at the entrance.

Custom imprinting onto wristbands for bars also provides an excellent opportunity for marketing. Every single guest’s wrist turns into a mini-billboard. Oftentimes, people wear their wristbands for bars for several days after their big night out. Bright colors and a cool logo will catch the eye of their co-workers, friends and family. They may even be approached by strangers at the grocery store or the gym who are curious about where they went. Nothing is better for business than a referral.
You can also imprint promotions on wristbands for bars. Maybe you want to invite them back to the next bar event? Imprint a QR code or a URL onto the wristbands that sends guests to a page where they can purchase discounted tickets for the next event. Or, invite them to a non-event night—Taco Tuesday—buy a taco, get a beer.

You can also team up with another business, like a winery. Patrons can receive a discount off a winery tour or enjoy a flight of wines by that winery at a discounted price. Businesses can reap rewards by purchasing advertising space on your wristbands for bars. You do, too. Selling ad space will help cover the costs of the wristbands for bars. You might even make a small profit. No matter what, you are definitely building relationships with both patrons and vendors alike, while also building the branding image of your event, festival or bar. That’s smart business!

Source: – Direct Custom Made Wristbands Manufacturer in USA since 1956