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Practice Safety and Awareness with Wristbands

11 Feb

February is Safety Awareness Month, and you can raise safety awareness by purchasing silicone wristbands from at an affordable price. It is important to educate both adult and children in your community about the importance of safety awareness. Schools and organizations, such as the Girl Scouts or Boy Scouts of America, can do a variety of activities to introduce the topic of safety awareness to kids. It is also important to teach teenage girls, who may be walking alone after school or at night, about taking preventative actions to ensure their safety. Silicone wristbands are being used globally to promote awareness campaigns, like Safety Awareness Month. offers five unique styles of silicone wristbands, from plain to premium, in 20 bright and bold colors. You can mix and match silicone wristbands colors with an assortment of colors and add custom printing, debossing, or embossing to create one-of-a-kind silicone wristbands to promote Safety Awareness Month during February.

If you are a member of a Neighborhood Watch program, invite local families to your home one evening and hand out a home safety checklist that parents and kids can go through their home and mark off together. When families return their completed checklists to you, reward them with silicone wristbands that have the message, “Safety Awareness Month 2013,” or “My Home is a Safe Haven.” Kids in your community will be proud to wear their silicone Safety Awareness Month wristbands because they are great for striking up conversation. Other kids at school will inquire about the Safety Awareness Month wristbands and will want to learn how they too can make their home safe and earn a stylish awareness campaign wristband. Here are some ideas you can put on your home safety checklist:

  • Smoke alarm has working batteries
  • Street numbers are clearly visible
  • A trusted neighbor has keys to your home
  • All entry doors have peepholes
  • Fire extinguishers on both ends of house
  • All electric outlets have faceplates
  • Important documents are stored in a heat-resistant safe
  • Sliding glass doors are properly secured
  • Emergency numbers posted next to the phone
  • Family disaster plan in place for fires/earthquakes

Schools and non-profit organizations, like the Boys and Girls Club of America, can also use wristbands to teach children and teenagers about Safety Awareness Month. Engage the children you mentor with an itinerary full of important safety tips to follow. If a child reminds one of their peers to practice a safe behavior, such as holding scissors downwards when walking, praise them with a custom imprinted Safety Awareness Month silicone wristband. Handing out rewards, like trendy wristbands, will give the children an incentive to continue their safety awareness training. You can also take a trip to teach safety awareness, such as to the fire station or police station. carries all kinds of Tyvek®, vinyl, plastic, and holographic wristbands that are perfect for single-day applications. Easily identify your group with florescent-colored wristbands from on your Safety Awareness Month field trip.

Teenagers, especially females, should be taught safe habits during Safety Awareness Month, such as always being aware of their surroundings when walking anywhere alone. You can start an awareness campaign using silicone wristbands to raise donations for a women’s charity such as: RAINN (the nation’s largest anti-sexual violence organization), National Partnership for Women, V-Day (global activist movement to end violence against women and girls), or the Polaris Project (organization that battles all forms of human trafficking). Put flyers up to promote a women’s safety class around your town during Safety Awareness Month. Post them on message boards at community colleges, local universities, public gymnasiums, parks, YMCAs, churches, temples, and on social networks like Facebook and Twitter. Charge $20 for the class that will be donated to the charity. At the end of the class, pass out custom silicone wristbands to everyone who successfully completed the course. Encourage mothers and their teenage daughters to attend so they can learn about Safety Awareness Month together. Use a bright silicone color like red or purple to stand out and draw attention to your charitable organization.

Purchase silicone wristbands in bulk quantity and save even more on your Safety Awareness Month wristbands. You can encourage the women and girls who participated in your women’s safety class to purchase 50 or 100 awareness campaign wristbands and sell them to friends and family for $3 a wristband. You will be amazed how much money you can quickly raise for an important cause using a promotional tool like silicone wristbands. Donating money to a non-profit organization that helps people and promotes an important cause makes people feel good about themselves. Give back to your neighborhood this Safety Awareness Month by starting up a wristband campaign. You can list your Safety Awareness Month wristband campaign on a resume, college applications, and even use it as a tax write off. Imagine all the people you can help by taking a miniscule amount of time out of your week and educating others on safety awareness. These types of assemblies bring families and communities together and will encourage people to become more involved in Neighborhood Watch and similar types of programs. always has free giveaways – like t-shirts, pens, and watches – and our silicone wristbands are currently on sale! Don’t wait until the next Safety Awareness Month rolls around to start your safety awareness campaign using popular silicone wristbands. Order today and begin making an impact in your community that will last a lifetime. You will be recognized as a leader and someone who cares about protecting the safety of your friends, family, and community.  Only you can promote Safety Awareness Month using wristbands in your home town.

Video is courtesy of YouTube

School Trips for Black History Month with Wristbands

7 Feb

Since 1976, The United States has officially designated the month of February as the celebration of Black History Month. Many schools teach important lessons on the many contributions of African Americans to the history, culture, and education of the United States. Churches and youth groups may also teach Sunday school lessons that tie into Black History Month, such as sermons on equality and brotherly love. There are lots of charities that can use Black History Month to their advantage by raising donations for non-profit organizations that support inner-city youth or another reputable cause. Whether you are an educator, youth group leader, Sunday school teacher, or campaign promoter – ordering quality wristbands from can significantly help you be successful with the planning and organization of Black History Month lessons, field trips, and activities.

Teachers of elementary, middle school, and high school students are likely to be preparing Black History Month lessons during February. For elementary students, visiting a library that focuses on Black History is an excellent option for a field trip. Take the students to the library in the beginning of Black History Month, and require each student to check-out a book on a prominent African American figure from the Civil Rights era. Then, have each student present an oral book report to the class. has a large assortment of stock print and customizable wristbands for single-day use that are economically priced and perfect for short-term applications like field trips. carries an entire line of Tyvek® Expressions Child Safety Wristbands that feature a write-on area to fit a child’s name, guardian name, and emergency phone number. Our Child Safety Wristbands have fun stock prints such as bright red stop signs and yellow school busses. We also carry Child Safety Wristbands that do not feature a write-on area.
If you live close by a historical site that became monumental during the Civil Rights Movement, take your students there for a Black History Month field trip. Some good ideas for Black History Month field trips are:

  • Tribute to the Great Migration (Chicago, Illinois)
  • Apollo Theater  (New York, New York)
  • Carter’s Grove Plantation (Williamsburg, Virginia)
  • Emancipation Park (Houston, Texas)
  • National Museum of the Tuskegee Airmen (Detroit, Michigan)

For multi-day Black History Month field trips, carries durable plastic and vinyl wristbands that feature a non-transferable SecurSnap® closure. These wristbands are so sturdy that you need a pair of scissors to remove them. You can customize your Black History Month field trip wristbands for an economic price at Add your school’s name, address, and phone number for heightened security. If children get lost on a Black History Month field trip, their customized wristband, that features your school’s information, will help adults re-unite you with your lost student. Parents will have peace of mind knowing their child has proper identification while on their Black History Month school field trip.

Churches also often recognize Black History Month, and Sunday school teachers may want to teach the children under their care about some influential African American men and women who were large contributors to the church. Sunday school teachers can teach children some facts related to Black History Month, and the next time they meet, quiz them. If they answer correctly, you can reward them with a trendy silicone wristband from Ask them who these important contributors to the black church were: Peter Durrett, George Liele, Andrew Bryan and Matthew Moore. People of all ages and demographics like to wear trendy silicone awareness wristbands as a bragging right. You can customize the silicone wristbands you order from with your church or youth group’s name. For example, you could imprint, “Grace Baptist BHM 2013,” or something more descriptive such as, Celebrate Equality 2013.” carries five styles of silicone awareness wristbands, from basic to premium, in 20 bright and vivid colors.

Non-profit organizations and charities may also find wristbands a helpful tool with helping to promote an awareness campaign that is related to Black History Month. If you are a non-profit that supports inner-city youth sports or arts, Black History Month can work to your advantage. If you order custom or stock silicone wristbands in bulk, you will be pleased by how much money you save. Sell the wristbands for $2 and donate the profit to your organization or non-profit of choice. Brand your campaign by purchasing premium color-fill debossed silicone wristbands from with your charity’s personal message imprinted onto the surface of the wristbands. You can even imprint line art and cool graphics onto the surface of the wristbands for an even greater impact.

Black History Month should not only be educational, it should be fun! Be adventurous and give your students a field trip they will remember by visiting a historical site or library related to Black History Month. Make sure to order your plastic, vinyl, silicone, or Tyvek® wristbands from early enough to make it in time for your field trip. The more you buy, the more you can save, so stock up on wristbands for the following year’s Black History Month. You will be easily able to keep track of children and parent volunteers with bright and noticeable wristbands from With so many styles and materials to choose from, you are sure to find the perfect Black History Month wristbands for your class on Don’t forget to order today and enjoy the savings from

ID Wristbands to Reunite Children Lost in Mall

16 Oct

Children with Wristbands
DUBAI: The world’s largest mall is handing out wristbands to little children to help reunite them with their parents should they get lost.
An Emaar Malls Group spokesperson told XPRESS: “Visitors can collect the wristbands at the guest service desks or guest service staff members. The members write down the name of the child, the name and mobile number of the parents or guardian and attach the bracelet to the child’s wrist.”
The service is free of charge.
“We introduced wrist bands for children as an optional additional safety measure… Our security personnel are well-trained to ensure the safety and well-being of families with children, and will offer any assistance needed. With the wristbands we are underlining our commitment to support them in ensuring their children’s safety,” said the spokesperson.
Although the wristbands were first introduced in 2011 for special events that attracted strong footfall, it became a permanent feature from June this year, with greater awareness coming about in recent months. “The initiative is receiving a positive response as we distribute on average about 500 wristbands during the weekend and about 300 during the week. On important holidays such as Eid, higher numbers of wristbands are distributed,” said the spokesperson, who added it could be expanded to other malls.
“It’s a great move as kids have a tendency to run around. My son is just four and I have a tough time keeping track of him in a mall,” said Lekha, an Indian mother visiting the mall. “Using a wristband is a good idea. I have to constantly keep an eye on my kids as they can easily slip from my sight,” said Sarah, another mother.
Some parents, however, were wary of the move. “By giving our contact details, we could actually be inviting trouble,” said one who prefers to use a baby harness to keep her child close to her.

Keep Kids Safe with Day Care Child Identification

13 Aug

There are as many reasons why people take their children to day care as there are children who attend day care. Many working parents don’t have a choice. Some parents enroll their children to prepare them for elementary school. They want their child to develop social skills and learning skills. Placing one’s child in the care of another person is a risk. Nothing matters more to a parent than their child’s safety, security and health. Kids wristbands can help keep kids safe.
Kids Identity wristbands
Secure, durable and tear-resistant kids wristbands come in one size fits all. They have a strong adhesive closer and unique tamper cuts, which cause the wristbands to shred if tampered with. Kids wristbands can withstand the wear and tear of the roughest, toughest play in a child’s day.
Children’s eyes light up and they get excited when they see the bright colors and fun designs of kids wristbands. When parents arrive at their trusted day care to drop off their child for the day, parents can write their child’s name, their own name and the emergency phone number where they can be reached that day on pre-printed lines in permanent marker right onto a kid wristband, and then securely fasten it around their child’s wrist. This information can enable day care providers to do their job more effectively and efficiently if there happens to be any sort of emergency that day.
Children fall ill. That’s just a fact of life. When this happens, especially if it is a contagious virus, it is best to have the child picked up from the day care center by his or her parents—sooner, rather than later—in order prevent other children from getting sick. Kids wristbands make it easy for teachers and nurses to identify the child. If it is determined that it would be best for the child to go home, then the parents’ names and contact information is readily available.
The same holds true for accidents. Children are certainly not strangers to cuts and scrapes. It may not be necessary to contact parents for a minor paper cut, but most injuries—especially those resulting in blood, bumps or black and blue marks—require notifying parents. Some might require medical care. These are times when it is critical for having child identification. Kids wristbands can save the day in these situations.
Kids Identification Bracelets
ID bracelets are tear-proof, sweat-proof, smear-proof, and water-resistant
In addition to having both the child’s and parents’ names, along with emergency contact number, kids wristbands can also be color coded. Each color can represent a specific special need, such as medication allergies, food allergies, dietary needs or restrictions, and the like. As an example, nut allergies could be represented with a red kids wristband. The specific allergy can also be written on the kids wristband, “Allergy: Nuts.” Each day, care takers can check kids wristbands and take inventory of allergies. In the instance of a nut allergies, the care takers can ensure that nuts—an allergy with severe reactions—are prohibited from being in that child’s activity room or classroom.
If there is a medical emergency and a child needs to be transported to urgent care or an emergency room, kids wristband can be extremely helpful to healthcare professionals. Maybe yellow kids wristbands represent special medical needs or medication allergies. A care taker can point out the kids wristband to the healthcare professionals. Any specific conditions or allergies can be written right onto the kids wristband. Doing so can prevent adverse reactions to care—maybe even save the child’s life.
Another way that kids wristbands protect children is identification if they should get lost. Of course, no one ever plans on this happening, but when there is a large group of kids out on a field trip, these things do happen. Let’s say the day care plans a day at the zoo. Distributing kids wristbands with a colorful design can make safety fun for kids. Each kids wristband should have the child’s name, along with the chaperone’s, and the cell phone number where the chaperone can be reached onsite. Chaperone’s can point out security staff to kids, so they know exactly who to ask for help if they happen to get lost. It might be a good idea to introduce the children to one of the security staff. This will help make these authoritative figures more approachable to the shyer children.
Kids wristbands are an excellent aid for keeping children safe in a variety of ways. You just can beat the sense of security that kids wristbands provide. 

Wristbands Use Colors to Match Kids with Their Parents

31 May

Kids have a lot going on these days. From sports and music lessons to camps and field trips, it seems that kids are constantly on the go. No matter what activities their children are involved in or who they entrust to care for them, parent’s primary concern is their children’s safety. Color wristbands are an economical, efficient and effective way to help parents, chaperones and guardians keep track of kids.
Color wristbands come in a variety of vibrant, solid colors for superb visibility and identification. Kids love the fun colors and get excited to wear them. Parents love that the colors are so bright that their child can be identified from a long distance. Since color wristbands are waterproof and non-transferable, they’re practically impossible for kids to damage or lose. They can take multiple days of rugged wear and tear.
In addition to the fun colors, you can customize wristbands with logos, special sayings and even bar codes. There are an endless number of activities and events for which color wristbands can help identify kids and match them with their parents. One of those happens to be a favorite summer pastime: swimming.
The pool is a popular place for kids to be during summer break. While helping lost children locate their parents or a guardian is a secondary responsibility of lifeguards, it does distract them from their main duty: assisting people in trouble in the water. Implementing the use of color wristbands can help lifeguards focus on their primary responsibility. Each lifeguard station can have a flag of a certain color hanging on it. The color corresponds with a batch of color wristbands, which they give to a group of kids to wear. This lifeguard station is their “home base.” If they get lost, they look for the life guard station that matches the color on their wrist.
Birthday parties are another ideal opportunity to put color wristbands to use—especially those parties in which parents drop their kids off for two or three hours and then return to pick them up. They might have another family member or friend pick their child up. Color wristbands can be numbered with a matching numbered tear-off stub, which is given to the parents. At the end of the party the parent or an entrusted guardian can pick up the child with the numbered color stub that matches the numbered color wristband.
Active families can benefit from color wristbands on any outings where there might be large crowds. Baseball games, the zoo, mall, movie theater—these are all venues that would be happy to provide color wristbands on which permanent marker can be used to write the parent’s cell phone number and a message that says, “please call if you see this child unattended.” Just in case a child wanders off or gets lost, security or even a kind stranger with a cell phone can quickly and easily call the parents to help reunite them with the lost child.
At camps, color wristbands are an excellent way to indicate kids at that have special dietary needs or food or medication allergies. As examples, red color wristbands could indicate food allergies, while blue color wristbands indicate medication allergies. A green color wristband could mean the child is vegetarian or vegan.
Color wristbands are also a great way to divide kids up into groups at camp. These groups could be age, cabin number, skill level, activity rotation schedule—anything. Want to add a bit of fun? Imprint logos, slogans, dates, or funny images onto color wristbands. By doing so, you will not only promote the camp, but also accomplish some effective advertising. To help cover costs, you might consider selling some “advertising space” to sponsors. Kids will continue wearing that cool color wristband for several weeks to come. They will show it off to their friends, who will talk non-stop to their parents about the message and image they saw on that color wristband—and about how much fun their pal had. Word-of-mouth advertising does wonders for business. Customized color wristbands also serve as a wonderful keepsake for kids to remember their adventurous week away at camp.
Color wristbands are an exceptional aid in matching kids up with their parents. Parents want their children to experience life—learning and enjoying as much as they can. But, they also want to keep them safe and protected. Color wristbands help parents accomplish both of these goals.