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Show your Support for National Blood Donor Month with Wristbands

8 Jan

January is National Blood Donor Month and is the perfect time to start off the new year by giving the gift of life to those in need. Wristbands can be a helpful way to remind yourself and others of the importance of donating blood during the month of January.  Purchase red silicone wristbands and hand them out to friends and family as a reminder to donate blood. Silicone wristbands are trendy for people of all ages, and they can serve as an excellent conversation starter. People will be encouraged to also donate blood after you explain to them why you are wearing a red silicone wristband.

Many people wonder why January is National Blood Donor Month, and has the answer. During the holiday season, many blood donation centers report inventory shortages, mainly due to illness and extended periods of travel. People are so concerned with buying gifts for loved ones,  re-arranging work schedules, and purchasing plane tickets, that many forget our nation’s blood inventory is extremely low during the harsh winter months. No matter what type of blood classification you have, your local donation center can find a useful way to share your blood, platelets, or plasma with another human in need.
Donating blood in a group can be a beneficial outing for family or friends who are curious what their blood type is and want to give back to their community.  At, you can design custom silicone wristbands with blood type classifications imprinted right onto the wristband’s surface. After someone in your group donates blood and discovers what type they have, hand them a red silicone wristband that says, “I donated my A+ blood today,” or “I helped saved a life with my AB- blood today!” Messages like this will definitely draw attention from others, who will be impelled to ask how they too can donate blood and help save lives.  

Some blood types are more rare than others, and donating blood is a great way to learn who you are an ideal donor for. The O- blood classification is the only type pure enough to be used on premature infants. It may be easy to forget your blood type after leaving the donation center, but a red silicone keepsake wristband with your blood type imprinted on it will help you remember your blood type long after you donate. Having a rare blood type can be a blessing in disguise, and you could potentially help save the lives of many premature infants by simply remembering to donate one pint of blood during January. Donating blood will only take about an hour of your time, and just one pint can help to save the lives of three adults! Customize your silicone wristbands to say, “I helped save three lives today by donating blood.”
Churches, high schools, and various organizations can purchase bulk quantities of pre-printed custom red silicone wristbands or for a more economical approach, buy plain red silicone wristbands. Either way, the red wristband is a symbol for donating blood, which in return, helps save lives that otherwise would be lost due to a traumatic accident or other reasons people loose significant amounts of blood. Encourage individuals in your church, school, or organization, to give their red silicone wristband to the first person who inquires about it. This way, you can promote the message of giving, and it will serve as a constant reminder to the person who receives the wristband to also donate blood.

Since the whole month of January is National Blood Donor month, you can donate platelets a total of four times throughout the month. If you donate a pint of whole blood, you must wait at least eight weeks for it to replenish in your body before you can safely donate again. However, since platelets are just a portion of your blood, those can be donated once a week if desired! Use different colored silicone wristbands, or silicone wristbands with different imprinted messages, to rank the donor and encourage others to also donate blood more often. Choose phrases like, “I donated platelets four times this month,” which is sure to impress others. When people learn how easy it is to donate blood, and that you personally donated four times within just the last month, they too will want to participate and be rewarded with a stylish silicone wristband to wear for doing so.

Some people may be wary of donating blood because they are afraid the needle will hurt or that they will become lightheaded from loosing a pint of blood so quickly. Give them a red silicone wristband to gently remind them why it is important to donate blood, and take a few moments of your time to sit them down and explain to them how the donation process is performed. Donating blood is not painful like some people who have not previously donated may assume. For many individuals, it is considerably less painful than getting a simple shot from your doctor.

Do not forget to donate blood during January, National Blood Donor Month. The best way to spread awareness is by wearing your heart on your sleeve – or in this case – on your wrist. Purchase red silicone wristbands from today and start saving lives. Imagine if you or one of your family members were in trouble and needed donated blood to survive. Glance down at your red silicone reminder wristband, and you may soon find yourself at your local blood donation center to give back to those who need it most.

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