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Using Wristbands for Your Valentine’s Day Party Ideas

5 Feb

Valentine’s Day is one of the busiest nights a year for restaurants and bars, and staff may become overwhelmed if their facility is not sufficiently prepared for the inevitable Valentine’s Day rush. Like adults, children also look forward to Valentine’s Day, mainly for the candies and cards they will receive from their classmates during parties at school.

Since Valentine’s Day has become such a largely commercialized holiday, many places of business create promotional Valentine’s Day items to give to customers, such as pink or red silicone wristbands with a company’s name imprinted onto the surface. Likewise, charities or fundraising committees also follow the Valentine theme by creating awareness campaigns offering keepsake items, such as custom Valentine’s Day wristbands, in exchange for donations to their charity or non-profit organization. Even churches and temples have Valentine’s Day events for the members and children of their congregations. offers a huge selection of stock red, pink, and hot pink wristbands, and custom Valentine’s Day wristbands to keep track of attendees, verify age, and more. Whether you’re hosting a Valentine’s Day event at your bar or restaurant, or are collecting donations to raise awareness for heart disease, choose for all your Valentine’s Day organizational and fundraising needs.

Bars, restaurants, and nightclubs often have special deals and discounts to attract large crowds for Valentine’s Day. It is likely going to be a crowded evening, and if alcohol is going to be served, age verification wristbands are a must. carries bright pink and red “Over 21” wristbands that will tie perfectly into the Valentine’s Day color scheme. If you are looking for fun wristbands that sparkle under any type of lighting, order our holographic wristbands, made from a strong tri-laminate material, that are available in a variety of glittery Valentine’s Day colors. At, you can customize any wristband for just a couple cents more per piece, to make your very own personalized Valentine’s Day patron ID. You can print your own custom messages, such as “Valentine’s Day 2013 at Club Dance,” on the wristbands for your bar, restaurant, or nightclub. Your custom wristbands will serve as a special Valentine’s Day memory to your guests.

Schools may also find wristbands helpful if they are going to be hosting a Valentine’s Day dance in the evening or a school-wide Valentine’s Day party during the day. Many elementary schools have a Valentine’s Day parade for their students, and teachers or staff may want to purchase wristbands to keep count of children and verify the ID of adult volunteers. You can purchase Tyvek®, vinyl, and plastic wristbands from that feature a patented SecurSnap® non-transferable closure. Kids love our ClearImage® see-through wristbands available in multiple colors that work perfectly for Valentine’s Day. If your school is hosting a Valentine’s Day dance in the evening, purchase custom wristbands from and give the students a keepsake to take home with them. Silicone wristbands are trendy for high school students, and offers five unique styles of silicone wristbands, from basic to premium, in 20 bright colors. You can custom print line art, such as hearts, onto the surface of the silicone wristbands and use silkscreen or color-fill to add a personalized message such as, “Royal HS Valentine’s Dance 2013.”   

Stores and other places of business often decorate for Valentine’s Day. Places like dental offices, medical offices, and banks will often put a basket of Valentine’s Day candies or other freebies out for customers to take. Instead of handing out candies like so many other businesses, you can purchase custom wristbands with Valentine’s Day messages to give to your customers. You can easily fit short phrases like, “First Bank 2013 Valentine’s Day,” or “Happy Valentine’s Day from Dr. Smith.” Silicone wristbands serve as a fun and free promotional gift that customers of all ages will enjoy. Unlike candy, which after consumed is quickly forgotten, your Valentine’s Day wristbands can be worn for months on end. Economically-priced promotional wristbands can serve as free advertisement on anyone who wears them. Wristbands are an excellent conversation starter, and people will be likely to remember your business because of your colorful Valentine’s Day wristbands they see someone they know wearing.

Wristbands are also great for fundraising and awareness campaigns. You can use Valentine’s Day wristbands as promotion for your awareness campaign. For example, if you are raising funds for a heart disease fundraising campaign, it would be clever to tie in Valentine’s Day because it is commonly associated with hearts. Order pink, red, purple, and white Valentine’s Day silicone wristbands with custom messages like, “Putting an End to Heart Disease,” or ”2013 Heart Disease Prevention.” You can ask for $1 or $2 donations for the custom Valentine’s Day themed awareness wristbands and give the money to the appropriate charity. Silicone wristbands are ideal for fundraising and awareness campaigns because not only are they re wearable, but they are extremely fashionable and popular. People will be happy to donate several dollars to your charitable cause because it makes them feel good to give back to society. People will also enjoy wearing their awareness campaign wristband because others will ask them what they are and it will give people an opportunity to explain how they helped spread some love for the less fortunate this Valentine’s Day.

Lastly, churches and temples that are hosting Valentine’s Day events should purchase wristbands from to help keep your event organized, keep track of attendees, manage food and beverages, and to hand out as prizes. It may be fun to host a Valentine’s Day fair with an assortment of games and booths. You can order custom wristbands in Valentine’s Day colors with your church or temple’s name printed on the surface of the wristband. It’s easy to fit a message such as, “Church of Christ Valentine’s Day 2013” or “Valentine’s 2013 at Temple Judea.” Wristbands will add some lighthearted fun to your event and will give it a professional touch. Your congregation will be able to look back at their keepsake silicone wristbands from Valentine’s Day and have fond memories from your event. Remember to order from for the best prices, quality, and largest selection.

Safe Driving Campaign with Rubber Wristbands

3 Oct

Rubber wristbands featuring an anti-drink-driving message were issued to officers during recent road policing training sessions at police national headquarters in Wellington.

The black bands have the words “Stop a mate driving drunk, bloody legend” and “ghost chips” printed on them.

The police are giving them out to the public and many officers have decided to wear them, too.
National road policing bosses adopted the wristband idea after similar ones were made to promote the Safer Communities Together campaign.

In 2009, Auckland police dog handler Sergeant Guy Baldwin became an internet sensation with a memorable appearance on the crime-stopping show Police Ten 7.
While Mr Baldwin spoke with a suspected car thief, the conversation shifted to buying pies from the local service station.

“At three o’clock in the morning, you’re buying a pie from the BP station.
What must you always do?” he asked.

“You must always blow on the pie. Safer communities together.”

Those words of caution went viral and even ended up on the front of T-shirts. Police also decided to use the slogan, printing it on wristbands.

Following the success of a New Zealand Transport Authority television advertisement in which the ghost of a teenager who died driving drunk offers his haunted friend a chip, another batch of wristbands was whipped up.

The idea for the latest wristbands came from Lesley Wallis, national road policing communications manager.
She said they were a very low-cost and low-key way to support the advertising campaign.

“They are intended for police to give to the public when they are talking to young people in schools, expos, community engagement opportunities etc,” Ms Wallis said. “They have proved to be hugely popular. Some police officers wear them, too.”

Ms Wallis said the wristbands were no longer being made and there were no plans for more.

“The advertising campaign that these wristbands support was hugely successful and resonated with the young people we were trying to reach. The wristbands are a simple way of extending that reach a little bit further.”

Using Wristbands as Entrance Tickets

11 Jul

Wearable Wristbands work well for patron identification

Most events these days require and admissions ticket. Traditional tickets have a sole purpose: getting the paid customer into the event. Seems a bit wasteful, doesn’t it? Admission wristbands are a popular substitute for tickets. Aside from their simplicity, admission wristbands have multiple uses and benefits. 

They serve as a highly effective identification tool—assisting with crowd control. Admission wristbands can help events run more efficiently and increase profits. They can also grow brand awareness. As an added bonus, admission wristbands fit securely around the wrist, which prevents them from becoming lost. 

With admission wristbands, crowd control is made easy. Admission wristbands enable staff to spot uninvited guests by just glancing at the wrist. Nobody wants party crashers to pop in and mooch food and drink from all the guests who actually paid. For large events, there may be different levels of access, including general admission, VIPs, staff, volunteers, performers, or other special groups of guests. Admission wristbands come in a wide variety of colors, so color coding can be used to differentiate the various access levels. 

Another way to put color coding to use is when an event is spread across multiple days and each day requires separate admission payments. By assigning certain colors to certain days, such as Thursday is red admission wristbands and Friday is blue, security can identify any guest that attempts to re-use their one day pass from one day to another. 

To further distinguish access levels, you can custom imprint text onto admission wristbands, such as “VIP” or “STAFF”. You can also imprint admission dates. Perhaps a popular singer is performing at the event. To see the performance, guests had to purchase separate concert tickets. Maybe some of those attending won back stage passes. Any guest who paid for the concert or won tickets could be given an admission wristband of a specific color with the date of the concert imprinted on it. Those guests with backstage passes would get the same admission wristband with one differentiating factor: it is imprinted with “VIP”. Same goes for staff, who would wear admission wristbands imprinted with “STAFF”. By making these designations with admission wristbands, security and other staff can quickly and easily identify whether someone is a welcome guest or staff member and ensure they are where they are permitted to be. 

If alcohol is being served at your event, admission wristbands can again help control access, but may also help boost sales. Staff can check IDs to verify age upon guest entry. If guests are of legal drinking age, they receive an admission wristband imprinted with “Over 21”. When wait staff is relieved of the duty of checking IDs for every drink ordered, a tremendous amount of time is saved. Guests don’t have to dig through their wallets each time they order a drink. Lines move faster. When people do not have to wait in line, they are more apt to go back and order more. Quicker service leads to increased spending, which, in turn, leads to increased profits. 

Just as you can imprint “VIP” and “Over 21” on admission wristbands, you can also imprint logos and taglines on admission wristbands. Admission wristbands become a walking mini advertisement. If the design imprinted on the admission wristband is cool and guests have a great time at the event, then they are likely to continue wearing the wristband for several days afterward. They are sure to catch they eyes of all sorts of people—co-workers, workout buddies, neighbors, family, friends. Curiosity will strike and lots of questions are likely to be asked. 

If you want to cover the costs of admission wristbands—or maybe even make a profit—sponsorships can do the trick. You are essentially selling advertising space—directly on the wrist of their target market. Imprint sponsor logos, coupons and promotions; encourage people to take action: “Stop by. Show us your wristband. Get 20% off $50 purchase.” You can also imprint quick response (QR) codes. Maybe scanning the code with a smartphone takes guests to the sponsor’s Facebook page—or the event’s Facebook page—and they are invited to “like” to start receiving exclusive discounts or invitations to future events. Both imprinted coupons and QR codes are effective ways that admissionwristbands can help build the brand and grow profits.

Admission wristbands are such a simple idea with multiple uses and benefits from a whole lot of angles. Whether you need to boost security, efficiency, profits, brand awareness, or just want to add a bit of fun to an event, admission wristbands have you covered.

Identifying 21 and Over Patrons with Bar Wristbands

1 Jun

Bar wristbands offer several benefits to establishments that serve alcohol. The benefits appease patrons and staff, alike. Non-transferable and brightly colored, bar wristbands make it easy for bar staff to visually verify that a patron has paid the cover charge and had their ID verified. Plus, if a guest needs to leave briefly, they can return with a quick flash of their wrist to the bouncer or greeter. No worries about lost tickets or smudged stamps.

If you want to increase spending, bar wristbands are the way to go. Whether patrons are bellied up to the bar being served by a bartender or seated at a table with an assigned server, the bar staff doesn’t have to spend time checking IDs. As flattering as it is to get carded the further away people get from age 21, digging for IDs in a purse or a wallet is a time-consuming distraction. People go to bars to relax, chill out and enjoy some good conversation with their friends. By having a bouncer or greeter check IDs at the door, and then securely fasten a wristband to the guest’s wrist, the night seems to run more smoothly. All servers need to do is quickly glance at the wristband to know that the person sitting before them is a welcome guest and of legal drinking age. This saves everyone time. Guests who don’t have to wait are happier and tend to spend more money.

Bar wristbands not only provide general admission into an establishment, but also assist with access control. Access control is especially important in a 21 and over club where there is live entertainment, like a popular band playing. Members of the band, along with their crew, can be given designated, colored wristbands for access to authorized areas, enabling them to set up and take down the stage more efficiently. With a quick glimpse, bar staff can identify and distinguish performers from guests and even attempted “party crashers.”

There are two additional ways you can beef up security with bar wristbands. The first is to rotate wristband colors for different nights of the week. That way, if someone tries to get in with the wrong color wristband—especially someone under age—you can quickly “86” them. The second tactic is custom printing, which helps to prevent counterfeiting. Try custom printing the bar’s logo on the wristbands, along with the date. Both of these strategies will prevent people from coasting in without having their ID verified. If you do have a cover charge, both of these strategies will also ensure that patrons do no sneak in for free by reusing a wristband from the night before or last week.

Speaking of custom printing, including the bar’s logo or any promotions on a bar wristband is an excellent marketing strategy. Bar wristbands turn into walking mini-billboards for your business. If someone has a great night out at your bar, they may keep the wristband on for a few days, maybe even weeks. People they encounter at work, the gym, restaurants are sure to inquire about where they went and what the experience was like. People may approach them and request a testimonial, “I heard that place was fun and had great service. Is it really that good?” Word of mouth can spread like wildfire! Custom printing is an excellent catalyst to get the conversation ball rolling.

If you choose to custom print a promotion, there are a couple of different ways to go about this. To increase sales for that night, print a drink special on the wristbands to promote a premium brand. Reinforce the special by having your staff remind them of the promotion that’s right on their wrist. Not only will you increase sales for that night, but patrons will likely start associating your bar with that premium brand that they enjoyed and want to come back for more. A second promotional strategy is to imprint a coupon on the bar wristband. It should be a special that motivates patrons to return. A couple examples include, “buy one drink, get a second one free” or, “try our new microbrew, get a free appetizer.” Bar wristbands have the ability to ignite a good memory of a good time and motivate the 21 and over crowd to return to your well-run establishment.

Also, many bars invest in promotions and events to keep the crowds coming. Wristbands can complement the promotion with a custom printed message enticing patrons to join the event, reserve a table, or “save the date.” Plus, if your bar is awarding door prizes or some other exciting promotional giveaways, then serial numbered wristbands or matching-tab wristbands can help the process. With matching-tab wristbands, simply keep the numbered, tear-off stub for the raffle box and the patrons wear the wristbands. When you hold your raffle and announce the winning number(s) the patrons are wearing their “ticket.” 

Source: – Direct Custom Wristbands manufacturer in USA since 1956.