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How Far RFID goes…NYSE?

13 Jun

The magic of RFID on wristbands is not so unique anymore.  Almost every large venues were utilizing RFID to monitor and handle their patrons.  Yet, we were surprised if the NYSE also utilized this device for the brokers on the trading floors.

To help reduce the problem and tighten security, the New York Stock Exchange will be partnering up with AeroScout to create a real-time locating system (RTLS) that will track RFID embedded handheld computers. By doing this, traders will not be able to pass from one trading floor to another with their handheld computers, and therefore will not be able to make unauthorized transactions.

RDIF Device
RFID Portable Device

Every tablet will have an RFID tag on it, which has a unique ID number associated with the trader who is using that specific tablet. It will include data such as the trader’s name and where that tablet is permitted to be used, or rather what floor it is allowed to be on. Every time and anywhere that tablet moves, a signal is emitted and picked up by RFID readers that are placed all over the facility. That way it will be noted if the trader is in an unauthorized area, when, for how long, and what data was being exchanged during that process.

“They do not worry with the people, they just worry to the devices, because these computers are executing the transactions”.    

The NYSE will be giving traders a Fujitsu tablet computer that will let them conduct trading, communicate with others who are another floor, as well as searching for information on the internet. Regulations require that traders cannot carry these tablets from one floor to another, where they can attain non-public information about certain companies that could be used to unfairly make sales transactions and therefore would have an effect on stock value.

Another benefit of this is that it will eliminate the need for security guards on the NYSE’s floor who are hired to prevent computers from being passed from one floor to the next. This does save money, but a huge part of it is that there’s always room for human error, as well as corrupted security guards who may take a payoff in exchange for keeping their mouths shut. I’m not saying that this actually does happen, but it might, and we may not know about it.

This is a pretty good idea, and I’m curious to know if this new strategy angers traders that work at the New York Stock Exchange. It will definitely help fraud inside the actual facility, but there are plenty of other stock crimes that can take place outside of the facility. Let’s see what happens.

Bar Code Wristbands to Streamline Business Operations

12 Jun

One of the challenges of running a business or facility is making it as efficient as possible. From managing events at venues to running a prison and keeping it secure to administering a hospital, bar code wristbands help streamline operations. 

If you are looking for a way to bump up security and track where patrons are spending their money, bar code wristbands are the solution. Bar code wristbands are non transferable and each bar code is unique. For cashless events, the barcode on a patron’s wristband can be tied to their credit card when he or she arrives. Their information can be tied to your data system to increase the efficiency of operations, and provide data tracking and analysis. 

If you want to track where guests are spending their money, bar code wristbands are a reliable way to accomplish this. With each purchase, the items and the concert wristband are scanned. You can track the number of trips that were made to the concession stand and what was purchased. If the concert goer purchased a souvenir, like a t-shirt, cap or sweatshirt, you can see the stats.

Some samples of unique designs wristbands with QR-Code and bar code features

Along with all the details, bar code wristbands also enable you to track attendance levels. You can find out how many people attended an entire event. You can learn how many people go to Concession Stand A versus Concession Stand B. If the event putting bar codes to use is a festival or carnival, bar code wristbands can be used to discover how many people visited certain attractions.
Bar code wristbands can be used to increase efficiency at more places than venues that host entertainers. They can be used to streamline operations of nearly any facility. A couple examples include prisons and hospitals.

In prisons, bar code wristbands can play a vital role in positively identifying an inmate and can streamline the following operations:

·         Assist and improve inmate transfer
·         Head counts
·         Commissary account debiting
·         Medication administration

Made of durable materials with a multi-laminate that protects photos, bar codes and data, bar code wristbands are secured onto an inmate’s wrist and worn 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. Doing so helps reduce erroneous transfers and releases of inmates, which could obviously cause a big, alarming problem. 

For inmates on medication, bar code wristbands are beneficial. Guards who administer medication can scan the inmate’s bar code wristband to ensure he is distributing the correct medication and correct dosage to the inmate. Quick and simple scans like this improve procedures, increase safety and save time.

Bar code wristbands in hospitals help to ensure patient safety and assist in preventing dangerous medical errors. For hospitals, it is important to choose a bar code wristband that meets the requirements of the following organizations:

·         The Joint Commission for improving the accuracy of patient identification
·         World Healthcare Organization for improving the accuracy of patient identification
·         HIPAA for protection of patient privacy
·         AHA to reduce risk of lost or transferred data

Bar code wristbands can feature printed text, linear and 2D bar codes, photo ID and graphics—all of which help prevent any errors that could be caused by illegible handwriting. Bar code wristbands provide crisp, clear and compliant bar codes that are easy to scan, improving the accuracy of patient identification.
With bar code wristbands, newborns are easily matched with his or her parents. Typically, when a baby is born, it is registered into a patient management system. Bar code wristbands are printed: two large ones for each parent and two small ones for the baby’s wrist and ankle. The information included on the bar code wristband to identify the newborn includes name, birth date, sex, and unique bar coded patient number in a legible format.

When it comes to bedside point-of-care, the accuracy of bar code wristbands enables personnel to instantly capture and verify data for medication administration, point-of-care testing, transfusion, specimen collection/tracking, surgical site safety and patient billing.
Bar code wristbands help hospitals meet the needs of the following Joint Commission National Patient Safety Goals:

·         Goal #1: Improve the accuracy of patient identification
·         Goal #2: Improve the effectiveness of communication among caregivers
·         Goal #8: Accurately and completely reconcile medications across the continuum of care

Whatever the operation at hand, bar code wristbands help streamline it by preventing simple-to-make errors and increasing efficiency. From helping increase security to assisting with accurate identification, bar code wristbands do quite a job.

Article Source: – Direct Custom Made Wristbands Manufacturer since 1956 in USA