Practice Safety and Awareness with Wristbands

11 Feb

February is Safety Awareness Month, and you can raise safety awareness by purchasing silicone wristbands from at an affordable price. It is important to educate both adult and children in your community about the importance of safety awareness. Schools and organizations, such as the Girl Scouts or Boy Scouts of America, can do a variety of activities to introduce the topic of safety awareness to kids. It is also important to teach teenage girls, who may be walking alone after school or at night, about taking preventative actions to ensure their safety. Silicone wristbands are being used globally to promote awareness campaigns, like Safety Awareness Month. offers five unique styles of silicone wristbands, from plain to premium, in 20 bright and bold colors. You can mix and match silicone wristbands colors with an assortment of colors and add custom printing, debossing, or embossing to create one-of-a-kind silicone wristbands to promote Safety Awareness Month during February.

If you are a member of a Neighborhood Watch program, invite local families to your home one evening and hand out a home safety checklist that parents and kids can go through their home and mark off together. When families return their completed checklists to you, reward them with silicone wristbands that have the message, “Safety Awareness Month 2013,” or “My Home is a Safe Haven.” Kids in your community will be proud to wear their silicone Safety Awareness Month wristbands because they are great for striking up conversation. Other kids at school will inquire about the Safety Awareness Month wristbands and will want to learn how they too can make their home safe and earn a stylish awareness campaign wristband. Here are some ideas you can put on your home safety checklist:

  • Smoke alarm has working batteries
  • Street numbers are clearly visible
  • A trusted neighbor has keys to your home
  • All entry doors have peepholes
  • Fire extinguishers on both ends of house
  • All electric outlets have faceplates
  • Important documents are stored in a heat-resistant safe
  • Sliding glass doors are properly secured
  • Emergency numbers posted next to the phone
  • Family disaster plan in place for fires/earthquakes

Schools and non-profit organizations, like the Boys and Girls Club of America, can also use wristbands to teach children and teenagers about Safety Awareness Month. Engage the children you mentor with an itinerary full of important safety tips to follow. If a child reminds one of their peers to practice a safe behavior, such as holding scissors downwards when walking, praise them with a custom imprinted Safety Awareness Month silicone wristband. Handing out rewards, like trendy wristbands, will give the children an incentive to continue their safety awareness training. You can also take a trip to teach safety awareness, such as to the fire station or police station. carries all kinds of Tyvek®, vinyl, plastic, and holographic wristbands that are perfect for single-day applications. Easily identify your group with florescent-colored wristbands from on your Safety Awareness Month field trip.

Teenagers, especially females, should be taught safe habits during Safety Awareness Month, such as always being aware of their surroundings when walking anywhere alone. You can start an awareness campaign using silicone wristbands to raise donations for a women’s charity such as: RAINN (the nation’s largest anti-sexual violence organization), National Partnership for Women, V-Day (global activist movement to end violence against women and girls), or the Polaris Project (organization that battles all forms of human trafficking). Put flyers up to promote a women’s safety class around your town during Safety Awareness Month. Post them on message boards at community colleges, local universities, public gymnasiums, parks, YMCAs, churches, temples, and on social networks like Facebook and Twitter. Charge $20 for the class that will be donated to the charity. At the end of the class, pass out custom silicone wristbands to everyone who successfully completed the course. Encourage mothers and their teenage daughters to attend so they can learn about Safety Awareness Month together. Use a bright silicone color like red or purple to stand out and draw attention to your charitable organization.

Purchase silicone wristbands in bulk quantity and save even more on your Safety Awareness Month wristbands. You can encourage the women and girls who participated in your women’s safety class to purchase 50 or 100 awareness campaign wristbands and sell them to friends and family for $3 a wristband. You will be amazed how much money you can quickly raise for an important cause using a promotional tool like silicone wristbands. Donating money to a non-profit organization that helps people and promotes an important cause makes people feel good about themselves. Give back to your neighborhood this Safety Awareness Month by starting up a wristband campaign. You can list your Safety Awareness Month wristband campaign on a resume, college applications, and even use it as a tax write off. Imagine all the people you can help by taking a miniscule amount of time out of your week and educating others on safety awareness. These types of assemblies bring families and communities together and will encourage people to become more involved in Neighborhood Watch and similar types of programs. always has free giveaways – like t-shirts, pens, and watches – and our silicone wristbands are currently on sale! Don’t wait until the next Safety Awareness Month rolls around to start your safety awareness campaign using popular silicone wristbands. Order today and begin making an impact in your community that will last a lifetime. You will be recognized as a leader and someone who cares about protecting the safety of your friends, family, and community.  Only you can promote Safety Awareness Month using wristbands in your home town.

Video is courtesy of YouTube

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