Lost & Find Me Idea to Locate Missing Children, Pets and Other Valuable Items

1 Feb

It is not the first news you will hear, if a child is missing in the shopping center.  Of course, many of us had seen flyer of missing dogs, cats or other valuable items. 

The kind of issue is very typical.  Yet, the solutions are not practical until Lost and Find Me bracelet is introduced.  Basically you need a smart phone which can scan QR-Code on the band.  Upon capturing the code, the smart phone will send the profile creator the information of where the item is located via Google Map.  The message will arrive by email or text messages.

The service cost of the bracelet is $12.00 per annual term.  However, you also have to purchase the bracelet itself which runs for $19.99.  You  can use one software to monitor as many bracelets as you subscribed.  You also can scan the QR-Code as often as you like during your subscription period.

Is this a great idea or just another gimmicks to extend product line?  Your comments are welcome!

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