Archive | January, 2013

Celebrate Mardi Gras With Safety Measurements For Your Valuable Guests

25 Jan

Mardi Gras is a historical tradition, globally recognized for its reckless and wild parties and parades, that had continued to thrive for thousands of years. The French phrase Mardi Gras means “Fat Tuesday,” which is the annual ritual of debauchery and indulging in fatty foods before Lent, a season of fasting. In the past, the occasion was most commonly celebrated in states like Alabama and Louisiana, but today, more and more people throughout the United States are choosing to participate in the celebration of Mardi Gras. If you are planning a large Mardi Gras party for your bar or nightclub, or are hosting one at your home, choose from a wide selection of wristbands from to help keep your event safe and organized. 

Mardi Gras celebrations are a big hit for Bars and nightclubs, and being prepared for larger than normal crowds is a must. With its ornate beads, masks, and bold colors – Mardi Gras can be a great way to attract extra business to your bar or nightclub. carries all sorts of decorative and non-transferable wristbands in a variety of materials and styles. For just a few cents more per wristband, you can order customized wristbands with printed messages like, “Happy Mardi Gras,” on any type of wristband we offer. Make sure you can identify and accommodate all your guests by having different colored and customized wristbands on hand.

Since Mardi Gras can be celebrated for about a three-week period, bars and nightclubs would be smart to purchase a variety of custom wristbands from to help ensure guests are not re-using wristbands from a previous night to gain admission. The three colors of the Mardi Gras flag are: purple for justice;  gold for power; and green for faith. Purchase vinyl, plastic, silicone, or Tyvek® wristbands in all three of the Mardi Gras colors to help add spirit to any Mardi Gras themed event. It may be fun to print common celebratory French Mardi Gras, or “Shrove Tuesday” phrases on a variety of colored wristbands. Purchase wristbands in the three classic Mardi Gras colors, with the following short French and English phrases custom printed onto their surface:

  • Bon Mardi Gras! (Good Shrove Tuesday!)
  • Joyeux Mardi Gras! (Merry Shrove Tuesday!)
  • Heureux Mardi Gras! (Happy Shrove Tuesday!)

You can use wristbands at your bar or nightclub for admission, age verification, designated driver identification, VIP privileges, and as tickets for food or beverages. If you are hosting a Mardi Gras event for adults, there will undoubtedly be liquor present. Order age verification wristbands from to ensure only of-age guests are purchasing and consuming alcohol. Use one Mardi Gras color, such as purple, to identify adults 21-years-old and above. Use another Mardi Gras color, like green, for underage guests. To add some festivity to your event, add a small amount of food color to different types of beer and serve gold, green, and purple drinks. carries premium Wrist-Rider® wristbands that feature three, four, or five tear-off tabs that can be redeemed for refreshments. We offer an assortment of stock Wrist-Rider® wristbands that feature the tear-off tabs printed with numbers. Or, customize your wristbands with classic Mardi Gras colors, graphics, and your bar or nightclub name imprinted onto the surface of the wristband to serve as a branding tool.

In addition to bars and nightclubs, many people throw parties at their home to celebrate the Mardi Gras season. If you are hosting a large party, you may want to have a cover charge at the door. You can hand the wristbands out at the door when your guests arrive and pay to help the duration of your Mardi Gras party run smoothly. carries colorful glitter and metallic wristbands in all three of the classic Mardi Gras colors that are ideal for parties. Kids will love the metallic purple, green, and gold tri-laminate wristbands, that sparkle and shine in all types of lighting, available for purchase at We also carry five customizable styles of trendy silicone wristbands that both kids and adults will love to wear. Order custom premium color-fill debossed silicone wristbands with Mardi Gras graphics like court jester hats and masks imprinted onto them. Place the graphics around the date of you party, “Jones Mardi Gras Ball – Jan. 2013.” Guests will enjoy taking home a keepsake from your party that is stylish to wear!

There are all sorts of fun decorations and activities that serve as entertainment for Mardi Gras parties.  Balloons, beads, confetti, costumes, masks, and streamers all highlight the spirit of Mardi Gras and are an inexpensive way to decorate in true Mardi Gras style. You can inform guest on your invitations that there will be a costume contest, as elaborate costumes are a major part of the Mardi Gras celebration. For guests who arrive without costume, set up a mask creation station so all attendees will have something festive to wear. Masks can be adorned with all the Mardi Gras classics like beads, feathers, glitter, paint, and sequins. If less guests arrive than expected, you can chain-link leftover wristbands together to make bright and colorful, yet highly economical, decorations for your Mardi Gras party.

Mardi Gras can be a fun history and cultural lesson to teach children at school or in the home. Teach children about the culture behind Mardi Gras by preparing traditional Cajun dishes and playing customary games such as “King’s Cake.” Place a plastic baby figurine in a random place in the cake, and whoever gets the slice with the baby in it is “king” or “queen” of the Mardi Gras party. You can also make Mardi Gras colored Jell-o® shots to add some lighthearted fun to your event. For large parties, implement Wrist-Rider® wristbands and charge $3 per tab. Your guests can redeem the tabs for a plate of traditional Cajun cuisine or a fun Mardi Gras drink. Use different colored Wrist-Rider® wristbands for food and alcohol, if you are going to price them differently. There are countless ways that wristbands can help you stay organized at any Mardi Gras celebration, so make sure to order wristbands from today to ensure they arrive in time for your Mardi Gras party.

Remembering Martin Luther King Jr. With Commorative Wristbands

15 Jan

Martin Luther King Jr - What Are You Doing For Others

Every third Monday of January, our country sets a day aside to commemorate the life of one of the most influential people in our history – Martin Luther King Jr. While children and young people enjoy getting a holiday off from school, too many of them do not understand why Martin Luther King’s birthday is celebrated. If you are an educator, group leader, or mentor, you can use commemorative wristbands as a useful and fun learning tool to teach children about the American civil rights milestones established by Martin Luther King Jr.

You can custom imprint some of Martin Luther King’s famous words on silicone, plastic, vinyl, or Tyvek® wristbands from “I Have a Dream,” is by far the most well-known speech by Martin Luther King Jr., delivered on Aug. 28, 1963, on the steps of the Lincoln Memorial. The phrase “I Have a Dream,” can easily fit the length of even a child-sized wristband. Purchase custom wristbands with “I Have a Dream,” printed on them, and pass them out to children before Martin Luther King Jr. Day, or all throughout Black History Month. You can reward children who memorize King’s speech with a brightly-colored wristband that features one of our nation’s most historical and meaningful phrases.

Since the entire “I Have a Dream” speech is about 17 minutes long, it is quite a lot for young students to memorize. As a group activity, have different kids in your class memorize sections of the speech, and perform it in front of the school during Black History Month. Or, have your class say the speech in front of their parents at a special school event or fundraiser. After the speech, explain to parents and other audience members that each child is encouraged to wear their commemorative “I Have a Dream” wristband the entire Black History Month in remembrance of Martin Luther King’s great achievements. Ask some of the children in your class to help pass out “I Have a Dream” wristbands to their family members in the audience, so they too can participate. 

Order pre-printed “I Have a Dream” wristbands in an assortment of colors to help give Martin Luther King’s message meaning to our youngest generation –  who are perhaps learning about the American civil rights movement for the very first time. offers endless customization options for wristbands of all colors and styles. Order “I Have a Dream” wristbands in an assortment of colors to help teach the lesson of Martin Luther King’s life to your students. All of the wristbands will be different colors, yet unified with the same phrase, just as Martin Luther King taught us about our fellow Americans.
Encourage other teachers at your school to participate in teaching their students about Martin Luther King  Jr. and Black History Month. For an impactful school-wide activity, have all of the students, teachers, and staff hold hands in a circle around the school and say Martin Luther King’s “I Have a Dream” speech out loud together while wearing different colored wristbands from Or, have different grades or classrooms memorize sections of the speech and recite it while the whole school is holding hands in a circle. You could also do the same activity with a single classroom or grade of children around the flagpole on your school campus.

A wristband makes a circle, which is the universal symbol for unity. That is why they are an ideal tool to use when explaining a difficult lesson to children such as the American civil rights movement of the 60s. It may be hard for children to imagine that less than a century ago, slavery was still a thriving realism in American culture. For this reason, this is not a lesson that should take a day to explain and study. Instead, it should be done over an extended period of time. You may want to purchase wristbands made from a durable, waterproof material like vinyl or plastic. Or, you can order silicone wristbands which can easily be removed, but are re-wearable for weeks on end. Silicone wristbands are especially trendy for both children and adults, and can be custom imprinted in a variety of basic and premium styles on

We also offers glitter wristbands that can be custom printed with the phrase, “I Have a Dream,” in either white or black ink. Children will love wearing these wristbands to commemorate Martin King Jr. Day, or even for the entire month of February , which is Black History Month.  Our metallic glitter wristbands are manufactured from a sturdy tri-laminate vinyl and are non-transferable. They feature a plastic one-time snap closure so children and their parents will not have to worry about them falling off or getting lost. Our glitter wristbands sparkle in the sunlight, which will be fun for children during recess or on their lunch break, and are available in multiple colors and patterns.

You may want to take a more solemn approach if you are purchasing Martin Luther King Jr. Day “I Have a Dream” wristbands for teenage students. Try using solid colored vinyl, plastic, or silicone wristbands instead of glitter wristbands. You can print a large variety of colored ink on solid colored wristbands. For teenagers, you can use matching wristbands instead of a various colored wristbands.

Chances are, this is not the first time your teenage students have been taught or have heard about the American civil rights movement, so you can challenge them with trivia to win “I Have a Dream Wristbands.” Create a quiz on Martin Luther King Jr. with information such as his birthday, what year his famous speech was delivered, and a bonus section where students must write out Martin Luther King’s “I Have a Dream” speech.  If they write the whole speech correctly, make sure to reward them with a trendy silicone “I Have a Dream” wristband from!

Show your Support for National Blood Donor Month with Wristbands

8 Jan

January is National Blood Donor Month and is the perfect time to start off the new year by giving the gift of life to those in need. Wristbands can be a helpful way to remind yourself and others of the importance of donating blood during the month of January.  Purchase red silicone wristbands and hand them out to friends and family as a reminder to donate blood. Silicone wristbands are trendy for people of all ages, and they can serve as an excellent conversation starter. People will be encouraged to also donate blood after you explain to them why you are wearing a red silicone wristband.

Many people wonder why January is National Blood Donor Month, and has the answer. During the holiday season, many blood donation centers report inventory shortages, mainly due to illness and extended periods of travel. People are so concerned with buying gifts for loved ones,  re-arranging work schedules, and purchasing plane tickets, that many forget our nation’s blood inventory is extremely low during the harsh winter months. No matter what type of blood classification you have, your local donation center can find a useful way to share your blood, platelets, or plasma with another human in need.
Donating blood in a group can be a beneficial outing for family or friends who are curious what their blood type is and want to give back to their community.  At, you can design custom silicone wristbands with blood type classifications imprinted right onto the wristband’s surface. After someone in your group donates blood and discovers what type they have, hand them a red silicone wristband that says, “I donated my A+ blood today,” or “I helped saved a life with my AB- blood today!” Messages like this will definitely draw attention from others, who will be impelled to ask how they too can donate blood and help save lives.  

Some blood types are more rare than others, and donating blood is a great way to learn who you are an ideal donor for. The O- blood classification is the only type pure enough to be used on premature infants. It may be easy to forget your blood type after leaving the donation center, but a red silicone keepsake wristband with your blood type imprinted on it will help you remember your blood type long after you donate. Having a rare blood type can be a blessing in disguise, and you could potentially help save the lives of many premature infants by simply remembering to donate one pint of blood during January. Donating blood will only take about an hour of your time, and just one pint can help to save the lives of three adults! Customize your silicone wristbands to say, “I helped save three lives today by donating blood.”
Churches, high schools, and various organizations can purchase bulk quantities of pre-printed custom red silicone wristbands or for a more economical approach, buy plain red silicone wristbands. Either way, the red wristband is a symbol for donating blood, which in return, helps save lives that otherwise would be lost due to a traumatic accident or other reasons people loose significant amounts of blood. Encourage individuals in your church, school, or organization, to give their red silicone wristband to the first person who inquires about it. This way, you can promote the message of giving, and it will serve as a constant reminder to the person who receives the wristband to also donate blood.

Since the whole month of January is National Blood Donor month, you can donate platelets a total of four times throughout the month. If you donate a pint of whole blood, you must wait at least eight weeks for it to replenish in your body before you can safely donate again. However, since platelets are just a portion of your blood, those can be donated once a week if desired! Use different colored silicone wristbands, or silicone wristbands with different imprinted messages, to rank the donor and encourage others to also donate blood more often. Choose phrases like, “I donated platelets four times this month,” which is sure to impress others. When people learn how easy it is to donate blood, and that you personally donated four times within just the last month, they too will want to participate and be rewarded with a stylish silicone wristband to wear for doing so.

Some people may be wary of donating blood because they are afraid the needle will hurt or that they will become lightheaded from loosing a pint of blood so quickly. Give them a red silicone wristband to gently remind them why it is important to donate blood, and take a few moments of your time to sit them down and explain to them how the donation process is performed. Donating blood is not painful like some people who have not previously donated may assume. For many individuals, it is considerably less painful than getting a simple shot from your doctor.

Do not forget to donate blood during January, National Blood Donor Month. The best way to spread awareness is by wearing your heart on your sleeve – or in this case – on your wrist. Purchase red silicone wristbands from today and start saving lives. Imagine if you or one of your family members were in trouble and needed donated blood to survive. Glance down at your red silicone reminder wristband, and you may soon find yourself at your local blood donation center to give back to those who need it most.

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