Wristbands from Madonna to Support Anti-Homophobia in Russia

3 Oct

Madonna has taken yet another political stand at a gig in Russia, handing out pink wristbands to crowd members at her show in St Petersburg.

The pop singer had the wristbands distributed at the entrance to the Peterbugrsky Arena, writes the Hollywood Reporter, under a sign which said they were to show ‘tolerance for the gay community’.

Madonna make the move to stand up against a new regulation which was adopted by the city in March of this year, which saw the yearly gay pride parade banned as it promoted “gay lifestyles” and the “propagation of homosexuality”, both of which have now been outlawed.

During the gig, Madonna said “We want to fight for the right to be free” and asked fans who supported her and the fight for gay rights to put on the bracelets and raise their hands.

Earlier this week, Madonna used the Moscow-leg of her tour to express support for the jailed members of Russian punk collective Pussy Riot.

In a speech to the 20,000 strong crowd, Madonna said: “I think they have paid the price for this act and I pray for their freedom,” before stripping to her bra to reveal the words ‘Pussy Riot’ written on her back. For ‘Like A Virgin’ she donned a balaclava similar to those worn by the Russian punk collective.

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