Wristbands – A Symbol of Hope

13 Aug

Cancer Awareness Symbolic Wristbands
Cancer wristbands made their first appearance in 2004 when Lance Armstrong debuted the now infamous yellow LIVESTRONG cancer wristbands. These wristbands served—and still serve—as a symbol of hope and shed light on the fight against testicular cancer.
The yellow LIVESTRONG cancer wristband may be a simple idea, but it is a powerful one—so powerful that it has spread to bring attention to other forms of cancer, including:
·         Bladder cancer, childhood cancer and liver cancer are also represented with yellow cancer wristbands
·         Metastatic breast cancer and skin cancer, represented with black cancer wristbands
·         bowel cancer, colon cancer, colorectal cancer, prostate cancer and rectal cancer, represented with blue cancer wristbands
·         Liver cancer, represented with light blue cancer wristbands
·         Kidney cancer, represented with orange cancer wristbands
·         Breast cancer, inflammatory breast cancer, metastatic breast cancer, represented with pink cancer wristbands
·         Neck cancer, represented with red cancer wristbands
·         Bone cancer and head and neck cancer, represented with white cancer wristbands
·         Cervical cancer, ovarian cancer, gynecological cancer and uterine cancer, represented with teal cancer wristbands
·         Brain cancer, represented with grey cancer wristbands
·         General cancer, Hodgkin’s lymphoma, pancreatic cancer, and thyroid cancer represented with purple cancer wristbands
Purple cancer wristbands can also represent cancer survivors. Additionally, it is the selected color for Relay for Life—the main volunteer-driven cancer fundraising event of the American Cancer Society.
Since cancer wristbands are intended for long-term wear, they are extremely durable and comfortable. The come in a few different styles:
·         Embossed silicone
·         Debossed silicone
·         Screen printed silicone
To really inspire, motivate and spread the word about cancer, you can include a message on cancer wristbands, by embosssing, debossing or screen printing onto cancer wristbands:
·         “Fear Nothing”
·         “Fight Like a Girl”
·         “Courage”
·         “Feel the Power”
·         “Live Free, Smoke Free”
·         “I survived”
·         “Cancer sucks”
There are a variety of ways to effectively put cancer wristbands to use. One way is to host a fundraising event. Maybe there is a specific type of cancer for which you’d like to raise funds. Give a cancer wristband to every guest who makes a donation of $10 or more. Another idea is to organize a walk/run to raise money. Distribute cancer wristbands to every participant who raises a minimum of $20. You could have an online donation drive, too. Anyone who makes a donation online of $25 or more receives a cancer wristband.
Sadly, most of us know someone fighting cancer. Cancer wristbands can raise awareness of one particular person who is fighting for his or her life. Cancer treatment is outrageously expensive. An effective way for family and friends to raise money to help cover the medical expenses of a cancer patient is to host an auction within the community—raising awareness, hope AND funds. Cancer wristbands can be embossed, debossed or screen printed with the name of the person fighting cancer, along with the word, “Hope”. These can be given as a thank you gift: Thank you for supporting me. Thank you for helping me in this terrifying fight against cancer. Thank you for helping me beat cancer and kick it to the curb!
Wearing cancer wristbands offers both support and strength to the person who is fighting cancer. It makes all the difference in the world to know that people care. There is strength in numbers. The support of a community can empower and individual. It’s a powerful contributor toward healing.
When someone we love is fighting cancer, most of us feel helpless. Wearing a cancer wristband with the name of our loved one on it can make us feel like we are making a difference—as small as it may be. When it comes to cancer, everyone wishes they could do more. Wearing a cancer wristband brings awareness to all who see it. It may catch the eye of a stranger who decides to ask about it to appease his or her curiosity. When you explain about your family member who has cancer, they may feel moved enough to make a donation or wear his or her own cancer wristband. Maybe they know someone who is fighting for their life, too. Maybe the two of you can find a support system with one another.
If you are looking for an inexpensive way to raise awareness of cancer and a highly effective fundraising tool, cancer wristbands might just be the answer. Cancer wristbands are a fashion accessory that symbolizes hope for a cure.

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