Keep Kids Safe with Day Care Child Identification

13 Aug

There are as many reasons why people take their children to day care as there are children who attend day care. Many working parents don’t have a choice. Some parents enroll their children to prepare them for elementary school. They want their child to develop social skills and learning skills. Placing one’s child in the care of another person is a risk. Nothing matters more to a parent than their child’s safety, security and health. Kids wristbands can help keep kids safe.
Kids Identity wristbands
Secure, durable and tear-resistant kids wristbands come in one size fits all. They have a strong adhesive closer and unique tamper cuts, which cause the wristbands to shred if tampered with. Kids wristbands can withstand the wear and tear of the roughest, toughest play in a child’s day.
Children’s eyes light up and they get excited when they see the bright colors and fun designs of kids wristbands. When parents arrive at their trusted day care to drop off their child for the day, parents can write their child’s name, their own name and the emergency phone number where they can be reached that day on pre-printed lines in permanent marker right onto a kid wristband, and then securely fasten it around their child’s wrist. This information can enable day care providers to do their job more effectively and efficiently if there happens to be any sort of emergency that day.
Children fall ill. That’s just a fact of life. When this happens, especially if it is a contagious virus, it is best to have the child picked up from the day care center by his or her parents—sooner, rather than later—in order prevent other children from getting sick. Kids wristbands make it easy for teachers and nurses to identify the child. If it is determined that it would be best for the child to go home, then the parents’ names and contact information is readily available.
The same holds true for accidents. Children are certainly not strangers to cuts and scrapes. It may not be necessary to contact parents for a minor paper cut, but most injuries—especially those resulting in blood, bumps or black and blue marks—require notifying parents. Some might require medical care. These are times when it is critical for having child identification. Kids wristbands can save the day in these situations.
Kids Identification Bracelets
ID bracelets are tear-proof, sweat-proof, smear-proof, and water-resistant
In addition to having both the child’s and parents’ names, along with emergency contact number, kids wristbands can also be color coded. Each color can represent a specific special need, such as medication allergies, food allergies, dietary needs or restrictions, and the like. As an example, nut allergies could be represented with a red kids wristband. The specific allergy can also be written on the kids wristband, “Allergy: Nuts.” Each day, care takers can check kids wristbands and take inventory of allergies. In the instance of a nut allergies, the care takers can ensure that nuts—an allergy with severe reactions—are prohibited from being in that child’s activity room or classroom.
If there is a medical emergency and a child needs to be transported to urgent care or an emergency room, kids wristband can be extremely helpful to healthcare professionals. Maybe yellow kids wristbands represent special medical needs or medication allergies. A care taker can point out the kids wristband to the healthcare professionals. Any specific conditions or allergies can be written right onto the kids wristband. Doing so can prevent adverse reactions to care—maybe even save the child’s life.
Another way that kids wristbands protect children is identification if they should get lost. Of course, no one ever plans on this happening, but when there is a large group of kids out on a field trip, these things do happen. Let’s say the day care plans a day at the zoo. Distributing kids wristbands with a colorful design can make safety fun for kids. Each kids wristband should have the child’s name, along with the chaperone’s, and the cell phone number where the chaperone can be reached onsite. Chaperone’s can point out security staff to kids, so they know exactly who to ask for help if they happen to get lost. It might be a good idea to introduce the children to one of the security staff. This will help make these authoritative figures more approachable to the shyer children.
Kids wristbands are an excellent aid for keeping children safe in a variety of ways. You just can beat the sense of security that kids wristbands provide. 

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