Using Wristbands as Entrance Tickets

11 Jul

Wearable Wristbands work well for patron identification

Most events these days require and admissions ticket. Traditional tickets have a sole purpose: getting the paid customer into the event. Seems a bit wasteful, doesn’t it? Admission wristbands are a popular substitute for tickets. Aside from their simplicity, admission wristbands have multiple uses and benefits. 

They serve as a highly effective identification tool—assisting with crowd control. Admission wristbands can help events run more efficiently and increase profits. They can also grow brand awareness. As an added bonus, admission wristbands fit securely around the wrist, which prevents them from becoming lost. 

With admission wristbands, crowd control is made easy. Admission wristbands enable staff to spot uninvited guests by just glancing at the wrist. Nobody wants party crashers to pop in and mooch food and drink from all the guests who actually paid. For large events, there may be different levels of access, including general admission, VIPs, staff, volunteers, performers, or other special groups of guests. Admission wristbands come in a wide variety of colors, so color coding can be used to differentiate the various access levels. 

Another way to put color coding to use is when an event is spread across multiple days and each day requires separate admission payments. By assigning certain colors to certain days, such as Thursday is red admission wristbands and Friday is blue, security can identify any guest that attempts to re-use their one day pass from one day to another. 

To further distinguish access levels, you can custom imprint text onto admission wristbands, such as “VIP” or “STAFF”. You can also imprint admission dates. Perhaps a popular singer is performing at the event. To see the performance, guests had to purchase separate concert tickets. Maybe some of those attending won back stage passes. Any guest who paid for the concert or won tickets could be given an admission wristband of a specific color with the date of the concert imprinted on it. Those guests with backstage passes would get the same admission wristband with one differentiating factor: it is imprinted with “VIP”. Same goes for staff, who would wear admission wristbands imprinted with “STAFF”. By making these designations with admission wristbands, security and other staff can quickly and easily identify whether someone is a welcome guest or staff member and ensure they are where they are permitted to be. 

If alcohol is being served at your event, admission wristbands can again help control access, but may also help boost sales. Staff can check IDs to verify age upon guest entry. If guests are of legal drinking age, they receive an admission wristband imprinted with “Over 21”. When wait staff is relieved of the duty of checking IDs for every drink ordered, a tremendous amount of time is saved. Guests don’t have to dig through their wallets each time they order a drink. Lines move faster. When people do not have to wait in line, they are more apt to go back and order more. Quicker service leads to increased spending, which, in turn, leads to increased profits. 

Just as you can imprint “VIP” and “Over 21” on admission wristbands, you can also imprint logos and taglines on admission wristbands. Admission wristbands become a walking mini advertisement. If the design imprinted on the admission wristband is cool and guests have a great time at the event, then they are likely to continue wearing the wristband for several days afterward. They are sure to catch they eyes of all sorts of people—co-workers, workout buddies, neighbors, family, friends. Curiosity will strike and lots of questions are likely to be asked. 

If you want to cover the costs of admission wristbands—or maybe even make a profit—sponsorships can do the trick. You are essentially selling advertising space—directly on the wrist of their target market. Imprint sponsor logos, coupons and promotions; encourage people to take action: “Stop by. Show us your wristband. Get 20% off $50 purchase.” You can also imprint quick response (QR) codes. Maybe scanning the code with a smartphone takes guests to the sponsor’s Facebook page—or the event’s Facebook page—and they are invited to “like” to start receiving exclusive discounts or invitations to future events. Both imprinted coupons and QR codes are effective ways that admissionwristbands can help build the brand and grow profits.

Admission wristbands are such a simple idea with multiple uses and benefits from a whole lot of angles. Whether you need to boost security, efficiency, profits, brand awareness, or just want to add a bit of fun to an event, admission wristbands have you covered.

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