Archive | May, 2012

School Field Trips and Child Safety with Wristbands

31 May

Being in charge of a classroom full of kids is a serious responsibility. Their safety is always of utmost concern. This concern is amplified when school field trips and other events are scheduled. Child safety wristbands are a great solution for those just-in-case scenarios, like when a child may accidentally wander away from the group on a school excursion or get lost in the crowd. The safety wristbands give both parents and teachers peace of mind, and instill children with a sense of security. Plus, kids love wearing them!
Wristbands provide an easy, inexpensive way to help assist child safety efforts through identification. We offer a couple different types of child safety wristbands, so you are sure to find one that meets the needs of any kind of school field trip or event.
Our Expressions wristbands work great for field trips in which the entire class leaves together to visit an off-campus venue, like a museum, and then returns back to the school together. The child safety wristbandshave pre-printed lines where you can use a permanent marker to write the child’s name, along with the chaperone’s name and cell phone number. As an added measure of safety, wristbands can be turned inside out so that strangers are not able to see the child’s name. Instead, the emergency contact information is only exposed upon the child reaching out to an authority figure and asking for help.
During field trips, chaperones should have their cell phones with them and the ringer turned on at all times. If a child does become separated from the school group, they can approach an authority figure and the chaperone can be called immediately. The child can be reunited with the group quickly and safely.
If you are planning a field trip to a museum, zoo, amusement park, aquarium or other such attraction for kids, don’t hesitate to ask whether they provide child safety wristbands to students. Businesses that cater to the wonderment and happiness of children are just as concerned about their safety and well-being as parents and teachers.
Parents can also get great use out of child safety wristbands; especially if you have an active family that goes on a lot of outings together. Whether it’s to a ballgame, theater, observatory or mini golf, a child safety wristband certainly can add a cushion of security to the day.
Another type of wristband is our Securmatch® or Securband Plus®, which have a matching, numbered, tear-off stub. The child wears the numbered wristband and the parent or guardian retains the matching numbered stub. This child safety wristband works well for an event, like a school sponsored theme party, in which parents drop off their child, and then pick them up at the end of the event. When it’s time to go, the school or host can verify the numbers match.
Another great use for this type of child safety wristband is when parents host a large birthday party for their son or daughter at a public eatery, like a pizza or ice cream parlor. Maybe a guest’s parents drop him or her off, but designate a grandparent to pick up the child. Not only should the parents communicate to the host who they are entrusting to pick up their child, but also a matching, numbered, tear-off stub could serve as further verification in case the hosts have never met the grandparent before.
So, where’s the fun amongst all this safety stuff? Like we said before, kids love to wear wristbands. They love the bright, colors and fun designs. And, we’ve got plenty to choose from! We offer more than 100 combinations of designs and colors so you can find the perfect child safety wristbandfor your field trip or event. Wearing a colorful wristband with a cool design makes kids feel important—like they are part of a special club. Don’t be surprised if they show ’em off just a little bit, either. They are sure to wear their wristband weeks or even months after the adventure is done, savoring and treasuring the memories. When they finally decide to remove their wristband, children can save it as a keepsake of a fun day away from the classroom—good times spent with their friends and teachers or family.

Evolving Technology in the Wristband Industry

31 May

Bar Coding and QR Codes are common practice in the industry
Technology is continuously evolving—even in the wristband industry. You can now get recognition technology, such as bar codes, quick response (QR) codes and Microsoft tags custom printed on wristbands. QR Code Wristbands can enhance the guest experience of any event, and there are a multitude of ways to put them to use to promote your company. First, what is a QR code?
QR codes are a type of recognition technology, similar to bar codes and Microsoft tags. QR codes are black and white, two-dimensional bar codes. When they are scanned or read with an iPhone, Android or other camera-enabled Smart phone, a number of different functions can be activated to engage your guest, such as:
·         Go to your organization’s website
·         Call your organization’s 800 number
·         Download digital content
·         Promote your organization through social networking
Learning more about your organization is super convenient with QR Code Wristbands because guests no longer need to type a long URL, send a text message, or perform web searches to dig up information about your organization. Instead, they just scan the QR code on their wrist!
QR Code Wristbands provide incentive for your guests to take action. Let’s say you’re hosting a charity event and when guests enter, they are given QR Code Wristbands to wear. They can scan the QR code then and there with their Smart phone. Perhaps it takes them to a donation website page. After making their own donation, they can “check-in” on Facebook and/or Four Square with a link to the donation page and encourage their friends to contribute to your great cause.
Different Types of QR Code on Wristbands
QR Code Wristbands can offer exclusive discounts. Maybe all guests at the grand opening of a beauty salon will receive exclusive discounts on a posh new line of hair products. The QR code could also link to an invitation to opt in to the salon’s monthly newsletter to receive generous discounts on hair treatments, facials or makeovers.
If you’re having a yearly corporate meeting, QR Code Wristbands could link to prizes. Maybe a few employees are the lucky recipients of QR Code Wristbands that link to the grand prize of two tickets to a professional home team basketball game, while a small handful of employees get 50% off coupons at a local electronics store. And, finally, a large handful of employees win a free lunch at a favorite local restaurant.
QR Code Wristbands are a fun way to entertain guests—even after your event is over. If the QR code printed on their wristband goes to your website, you can invite them to do almost anything. Here are some ideas:
·         Order event merchandise
·         Receive exclusive discounts
·         Opt-in to your newsletter
·         Take your online poll
·         View event schedules
·         Make a donation or pledge
·         Enter your contest
·         Link to your iTunes
Interacting with guests through social media is made easy with QR Code Wristbands. As mentioned before, guests can “check in” at your location. They can also be led directly to Facebook or Twitter pages so they can “like” or follow your business to stay informed about your next events or other hot happenings. QR codes can also lead new fans to your YouTube videos.
Distributing QR Code Wristbands provides an easy means for guests to stay connected to you. The QR code can dial your 800# or create a business contact listing on their phone for quick access. Guests can be invited to sign up for text alerts, making it easy for you to keep them up-to-date. You can also offer them freebies to download like music, images, wallpaper and music. Guests will continuously be reminded of your business in a positive light!
QR Code Wristbands offer a savvy and high tech marketing solution for your business. QR codes enable you to connect directly with guests on a one-to-one basis, giving them incentives and offers. Building a positive relationship, you can create raving fans who will happily promote your business via social networking. QR Code Wristbands are a fantastic way to stretch your advertising and marketing dollars!
QR Codes are widely used and can be read by a large number of mobile apps. Since they are fast, easy and FREE to set up, you can’t go wrong! Here is how to quickly create your QR wristbands:
1.       Generate a QR Code for your desired action completely FREE at
2.       Select one of our custom printed wristbands to imprint your QR Code.
3.       Submit your QR Code and artwork/logo to imprint on your selected wristband.
Source: – Direct Custom Wristbands Manufacturer in USA

Wristbands for Cancer Awareness

31 May

It all started with the infamous yellow LIVESTRONG cancer wristband, which Lance Armstrong set up to shed light on the fight against cancer. Since these cancer wristbands first made an appearance in 2004, they’ve become a common accessory symbolizing hope for a cure against a scary disease that takes on so many different forms in so many different people.
Wearing cancer wristbands is trendy and there are a number of styles from which to choose, including embossed silicone, debossed silicone, and screen printed silicone. Extremely durable and comfortable to wear for an extended amount of time, cancer wristbands are used to raise awareness of many forms of cancer. There are a variety of colors that represent specific types of cancers, including the following:
·         Black cancer wristbands represent metastatic breast cancer and skin cancer
·         Blue cancer wristbands represent bowel cancer, colon cancer, colorectal cancer, prostate cancer and rectal cancer
·         Light blue cancer wristbands represent liver cancer
·         Orange cancer wristbands represent kidney cancer
·         Pink cancer wristbands represent breast cancer, inflammatory breast cancer, metastatic breast cancer, testicular cancer
·         Purple cancer wristbands represent general cancer, Hodgkin’s lymphoma, pancreatic cancer, and thyroid cancer
·         Red cancer wristbands represent neck cancer
·         White cancer wristbands represent bone cancer and head and neck cancer
·         Yellow cancer wristbands represent bladder cancer, childhood cancer, liver cancer and testicular cancer
·         Teal cancer wristbands represent cervical cancer, ovarian cancer, gynecological cancer and uterine cancer
·         Grey cancer wristbands represent brain cancer
Purple cancer wristbands can also represent cancer survivors and is the selected color for Relay for Life, which is the main volunteer-driven cancer fundraising event of the American Cancer Society.
Breast Cancer Silicone Wristbands
In addition to the representative colors, there are a variety of messages that can be embossed, debossed or screen printed onto cancer wristbands—some inspirational, some motivating, and some just telling it like it is. Here are a handful of popular examples:
·         “Fear Nothing”
·         “Fight Like a Girl”
·         “Courage”
·         “Feel the Power”
·         “Live Free, Smoke Free”
·         “I survived”
·         “Cancer sucks”
You can effectively put cancer wristbands to use in a variety of ways. If you want to raise money for a specific type of cancer, you can host a fundraising event. Every guest who makes a donation receives a cancer wristband. Maybe there’s an organized walk/run to raise money for a specific type of cancer. Every participant who raises a minimum of $20 receives a cancer wristband to wear. You could have an online donation drive, too. Anyone who makes a donation online of $25 or more receives a cancer wristband.
Cancer wristbands can also help raise awareness of one particular person who is fighting for his or her life. To say fighting cancer is expensive is an understatement. Oftentimes, family and friends of a cancer patient will host an auction within the community in hopes of raising money to help cover the medical expenses. Cancer wristbands emblazoned with the name of the person fighting cancer, along with the word, “Hope” can be given as a thank you. Thank you for supporting me. Thank you for helping me in this terrifying fight against cancer. Thank you for helping me beat cancer and kick it to the curb!
Wearing cancer wristbands offers more than support to the person who is fighting cancer. It offers strength. They know someone cares. They know an entire community cares. This kind of immense support is a powerful contributor toward healing.
For the supporter, wearing a cancer wristband with their loved one’s name on it makes them feel like they are making a difference—as small as it may be. Let’s face it, when it comes to cancer, most of us feel pretty helpless. Everyone wishes they could do more. Wearing a cancer wristband brings awareness to all who see it. It may catch the eye of a stranger who decides to ask about it to appease his or her curiosity. When you explain about your friend who has cancer, they may feel moved enough to make a donation or wear his or her own cancer wristband. Maybe they know someone who is fighting for their life, too. Maybe the two of you can find a support system with one another.
Cancer wristbands are an inexpensive way to raise awareness of cancer and a highly effective fundraising tool. Both non-profit organizations and cancer patients themselves can reap great rewards from cancer wristbands—the most important of which is support.
Source: – Direct Custom Wristbands Manufacturer in USA

Tips on Using Event Wristbands to Promote Your Business or Event

31 May

If you are looking for a new and unique way to promote your company or an upcoming event, wristbands are a highly effective and economical strategy to use for spreading the word. There are numerous ways to creatively champion your business or an upcoming event with event wristbands. Here are a handful of winning ideas.
RFID enabled Social Networking Wristbands with Imprint Logos
Imprint logos. Custom event wristbands are a walking mini billboard. Let’s say your company sponsors or hosts an event. Custom wristbands can serve double duties: branding and security/crowd control. When guests have a great experience at your event, they will likely keep wearing the wristband for days or weeks to come. It can become a conversation starter wherever your guests may roam—the water cooler, hairdresser, grocery store, and the like. To more effectively spread the word, you could imprint your company’s website address on the wristband. In this day of social media, it’s highly possible that some of your guests may get on Twitter or Facebook and tweet or post your website address, and then comment about the fabulous time they had at your event.
Imprint custom coupons. When you distribute wristbands at an event hosted or sponsored by your company, custom messages can be printed. You can turn the event wristband into a coupon by printing something like, “get 10% off product X with this wristband” or “show us your wristband and get $20 off when you spend $100.” In addition to promoting your company from their wrist, an imprinted coupon serves as incentive for guests to take action and purchase your company’s products or services.
Imprint quick response (QR) codes. Have you noticed those little two-dimensional barcodes popping up in surprising places? You may have seen them on business cards, in magazines, on flyers and coupons, even on badges and articles of clothing. For those with smart phones, these codes contain information, offers, and freebies that can be accessed on the go and sometimes exclusively. QR codes imprinted on event wristbandscan be used to offer almost anything from discounted tickets for upcoming events to buy-one-get-one-free lunches. They can link to anything from a continuously updated playlist at a DJ night to an updated schedule of seminars at a tradeshow or all-day conference.
Have a team-building car wash. Promote your organization by hosting a car wash, while simultaneously building teamwork and communication. With the logo or slogan imprinted on the event wristbands, you can hand them out to further promote your business. At the end of the day, multiple people will be walking around town advertising your company by wearing it on their wrist.
Organize a pub crawl for a charity. Why not have a little fun while raising funds for an important cause that your company supports? Wristbands can enhance the experience for participants because they become easily identifiable to bouncers, bartenders and wait staff at each tavern stop. All participants need to do is flash their wristbands to gain entry into the establishment and fetch drinks from the bar. No worries about digging for a ticket or card in a purse, billfold or pocket. Chances of losing a wristband are practically nil because it is comfortably worn around the wrist.
Harry Potter VIP Access Wristbands
Designate VIP Access. If you are hosting a corporate or fundraising event at a public site, like a large hotel, event wristbands are a strategic way to provide access control and promote your organization. You could line up guest speakers or celebrities to draw in crowds of people to attend your event. Different color event wristbands can designate different groups of people. Perhaps red indicates the guest is authorized to attend the speaking engagement, while green lets security know the guest is allowed back stage to meet the speaker when the presentation is over. Different color wristbands can also be used to honor VIP donors or volunteers who maybe have special access.
Hold contests or raffles. You can use serial numbered wristbands for special promotion contests or raffles. If you’re hosting a raffle at your business or event, using serial numbered event wristbands with pull-off tabs are easy to use and fun for the participants. Each person who buys an entry to your raffle gets a wristband to wear and removes the detachable stub, which serves as the ticket stub. The stub is entered into the raffle. When the winning numbers are announced, each person just checks the wristband adorned on their wrist. Good bye lost tickets!
There are seemingly endless possibilities to promote your organization or event with wristbands. Get creative and have fun with this easy, affordable promotional tool!

Source: – Direct Custom Wristbands Manufacturer in USA

Wristbands Make High-Demand Ticket Sales Fair for Everyone

31 May

If you have a favorite sports team or an entertainer that you have been anxiously awaiting to see perform live, you can understand the excitement of purchasing tickets when you’re finally given the opportunity. When a sports team or entertainer is popular enough, tickets can be hard to come by. People will stand in line for a painstaking number of hours at a chance to get a ticket. Some people may even set up camp and snuggle up in sleeping bags overnight. They make a pre-event out of purchasing tickets for a main event!
As exciting as this may be for some folks, it’s not for most and causes a couple of concerns. The first concern is safety. The second concern is that people who do not have an inordinate amount of time to stand in line are taken out of the running to get tickets from the get-go.
Pre-ticket sales wristbands even out the playing field for everyone who wants to purchase event tickets. Additionally, they help ticketing vendors and venues to help prevent any possible pandemonium that could break out as excitement about the event builds. Pre-ticket sales wristbands bring order to what could otherwise be a chaotic process.
Pre-ticket sales wristbands are imprinted with a number and have a pull-off tab, which is imprinted with the same number as the wristband itself. Whether for a high-demand sporting event or live concert, the sale process that accompanies pre-ticket sales wristbands is efficient and fair. Following is a sample of how that process might work to ensure all enthusiasts are given an equal opportunity to purchase tickets:
·         People are allowed to begin forming a line for pre-wristband distribution two hours before the tickets go on sale. For instance, if tickets go on sale at 10:00 a.m., then people can start standing in line beginning at 8:00 a.m. that same morning.
·         Upon showing proof of payment ability, one nontransferable pre-ticket sales wristband is placed around each person’s wrist.
·         A distribution cut-off time is set about an hour after it starts. So, if pre-ticket sales wristbands started being distributed at 8:00 a.m., then the cut-off time might be 9:00 a.m.
·         Half an hour after the cut-off of pre-sales wristbands distribution, a random drawing takes place. Each person with a pre-sales wristband on their wrist has one entry in the random drawing.
·         The person who is wearing the pre-sales wristband with the number that corresponds to the number on the tab that was randomly drawn gets the first spot in line.
·         The person wearing the pre-sales wristband with the number that immediately succeeds the randomly selected number is next in line. All remaining participants fall in line sequentially—all the way through the person wearing the highest numbered pre-sales wristband. From that point, the line continues with the lowest numbered pre-sales wristband up to the randomly selected number.
RFID Wristbands is being scanned for crowd control entrance and VIP validation
To increase efficiency and alleviate overcrowding in line, one rule that ticket vendors or venues might want to enforce is that only people wearing a pre-sales wristband can stand in line. Any pals that are tagging along should step away from the line.
There are other processes that can be implemented. It depends on the type of event and the number of tickets available. It might be necessary to use the process described above, but add a few waves to it. Maybe the first 100 people in line are in the first random drawing; the next hundred people are in a second random drawing, and so on. Since it is unknown how many tickets each person might purchase—even if there is a limit—not everyone wearing a pre-sales wristband would be guaranteed the opportunity to purchase tickets.
One fun and effective way to bump up sales with pre-ticket sales wristbands is to hold a contest. Some professional baseball clubs have put this system to use already:
·         Make a large number (let’s say 8,000) of pre-sales wristbands available on a first come, first served basis during specified hours on a specific day or two—for example, from 9:00 a.m. to 5:00 a.m. on a Saturday and Sunday.
·         Team up with a local radio station and have winners of a random drawing using the numbered tabs from the matching numbered pre-sales wristbands announced during a broadcast as well as on the team’s website.
·         All the winners get first dibs at purchasing tickets before open selling begins.
Pre-sales wristbands add efficiency and fairness to the process of selling high-demand tickets.
Source: – Direct Custom Wristbands Manufacturer in USA

Wristbands Offer Efficient and Secure Solutions for Multi-day Events

31 May

RFID wristbands let guests instantly share their funs on Facebook

When it comes to multi-day events or activities that require multi-day passes, there are typically a large number of guests in attendance. Two top concerns for the hosts are running an efficient event and making sure the venue is secure. Multi-day wristbands offer a convenient, comfortable and worry-free way for guests to access venues for events that span multiple days, while also assisting hosts with efficiency and security. 

PDC’s Superband® wristbands, Vinyl Wristbands, and SureImage™ Full-Color Wristbands are non-transferable, durable, and waterproof to withstand multiple days of wear and tear. Guests can play as hard (or as little) as they want enjoying outdoor activities from swimming to hiking to playing in the sand—or even just lying in the sun. PDC’s multi-day wristbands can take whatever beatings water, sand or sun offer. There are several types of events, activities and venues that can benefit from using multi-day wristbands as multi-day passes. Following are just a handful of application possibilities.

Multi-day wristbands are highly effective at sporting events that span over a few days—races and playoffs are good examples. Spectators do not need to worry about losing a ticket from day to day. Instead, they just wear a multi-day wristband securely around their wrist. Multi-day wristbands are highly visible because they come in bright colors—and, lots of them, at that. Each color can designate a different group of people. General admission spectators can wear blue bands, while VIP’s wear red bands. By using wristbands for multi-day events, staff can easily identify whether patrons are where they should be. Different colored multi-day wristbands can also be used to identify different categories of athletes. If there will be contests or raffles during the multi-day sporting event, serial numbered multi-day wristbands are a perfect choice. Spectators who enter just tear off their entry tab for the drawing, and the same serial number is also imprinted on their wristband. No losing entry tickets! 

There are a lot of fun music festivals that last multiple days, such as Coachella, SXSW, Stagecoach, and more. These events require multi-day passes to get in and enjoy the music. Multi-day wristbands are just the ticket—and a great convenience for guests. If they have to leave the venue for some reason, there are no worries about getting back in. There isn’t a ticket stub to lose or a stamp to get washed away
Multi-day wristbands can also be worn by staff working at multi-day music festivals. That includes everyone from waiters to sound and equipment engineers, and also performers and their staff. Wearing multi-day wristbands helps security staff identify who has access to restricted areas and who is authorized to be backstage. 

Camps for kids can find a large number of uses for multi-day wristbands. Since multi-day wristbands come in a wide variety of colors, they are helpful for group designation. Each group of kids can be assigned to wear a matching colored multi-day wristband. Kids can be grouped by age or lodging unit—everyone in the same group wears the same color multi-day wristbands. Or, maybe multi-day wristbands are disbursed to kids with special dietary restrictions, allergies or medication requirements. Any which way, colored, multi-day wristbands can assist with children’s safety. They can provide a camp counselor, leader or staffer with enough information to make a big difference. 

Multi-day wristbandsare perfect for identifying guests at all-inclusive resorts or hotels because the wristbands can be worn for several days or even a couple weeks. These wristbands are made of plastic and vinyl, making them waterproof and extremely durable. They’re perfect for identifying all-inclusive guests. Superband plastic wristbands are so strong; they have to be removed with scissors. This prevents hotel guests from removing them and transferring them to another person.
From time to time, non-guests might try to sneak into hotels or resorts to access the pool, fitness center, private party, convention or private banquet. Multi-day wristbands make it easy for staff to identify guests so only those who are authorized may enter. “Crashers” are easy to spot.

Another way to put multi-day wristbands to use at hotels and resorts is to use serial numbered multi-day wristbands for baggage claim. Attach the numbered tab to the baggage and the matching number is worn around the owner’s wrist. There’s no way to misplace a ticket and question whether an item belongs to the person claiming it.

Multi-day wristbands offer many benefits to multi-day events. Mainly, multi-day wristbands increase efficiency and security, which, in turn increases profits and customer satisfaction. 

Article was sourced from – Direct Custom Wristbands Manufacturer in USA.

Top 5 Reasons Kids Love Wristbands

31 May

Kids love to wear something which their parents are also wearing.
It’s no mystery that kids love to wear wristbands. I work for a wristband company and from time to time I will bring home a small assortment of leftover sample Tyvek wristbands to share with the neighborhood kids. It never ceases to amaze me how excited kids get when they see all the bright colors and fun designs. They start grabbing for top choices and squabbling over monkey designs, happy faces, and rainbows. They can’t wait to put them on and once they do, you can see their faces light up with pride. Now they have something unique, something special. And just try to make them take off that wristband!
Through my observations over the past several years, here’s my take on the top five reasons kids love wristbands.
1.       Fun designs and bright colors. That’s the first thing kids notice when I open up my special bag of Tyvek wristbands. They delight in the colors, especially bright blue, red, yellow, lime green, day glow orange, and purple. Everyone has a favorite color. It’s a staple of being a kid. Isn’t that one of the top ten interview questions from a child, “What’s your favorite color?” Then there’s the appeal of fun and funky designs. Dancing dolphins, smiling suns, mischievous monkeys, leopard print, swirls, and tribal tattoo patterns. There are wristband designs for every type of child.
2.       You wear wristbands on your wrist for everyone to see. It’s all about bragging rights. Remember the days when you had friends who brought home a souvenir from their trip to Disneyland, the fair, or some other special place they visited and all the other kids turned green with envy. The kids strut around wearing their special wristbands, beaming with pride.
3.       Wristbands make you feel special. Not everyone is wearing a wristband, so when kids have a wristband on they feel special like they’re part of a special club or they have access to something unique. Everyone wants to feel special. Imagine the stories and make-believe games they can create with their neighborhood friends. These are our backstage passes to the Justin Bieber concert! Come on gang, let’s go!
4.       Wristbands remind you of fun places you’ve been. Wristbandsare used at the most fun places on the planet! You can find wristbands at carnivals, fairs, festivals, amusement parks, racetracks, concerts, water parks, sporting events, summer camps, bowling centers, family entertainment centers, and tons of other entertainment venues. Wearing a wristband reminds you of that special visit and the great time you had.
5.       You get to keep them on for a long time. No one knows better than kids that wristbands can last a long time and be worn for weeks and even months without taking them off. They wear those wristbands until they fall apart. I can’t count the number of times I’ve seen kids—and even young adults—wearing a tattered, faded wristband from some event months ago. They hang on to that wristband almost as closely as their cherished memory of that great experience!

Wristbands Use Colors to Match Kids with Their Parents

31 May

Kids have a lot going on these days. From sports and music lessons to camps and field trips, it seems that kids are constantly on the go. No matter what activities their children are involved in or who they entrust to care for them, parent’s primary concern is their children’s safety. Color wristbands are an economical, efficient and effective way to help parents, chaperones and guardians keep track of kids.
Color wristbands come in a variety of vibrant, solid colors for superb visibility and identification. Kids love the fun colors and get excited to wear them. Parents love that the colors are so bright that their child can be identified from a long distance. Since color wristbands are waterproof and non-transferable, they’re practically impossible for kids to damage or lose. They can take multiple days of rugged wear and tear.
In addition to the fun colors, you can customize wristbands with logos, special sayings and even bar codes. There are an endless number of activities and events for which color wristbands can help identify kids and match them with their parents. One of those happens to be a favorite summer pastime: swimming.
The pool is a popular place for kids to be during summer break. While helping lost children locate their parents or a guardian is a secondary responsibility of lifeguards, it does distract them from their main duty: assisting people in trouble in the water. Implementing the use of color wristbands can help lifeguards focus on their primary responsibility. Each lifeguard station can have a flag of a certain color hanging on it. The color corresponds with a batch of color wristbands, which they give to a group of kids to wear. This lifeguard station is their “home base.” If they get lost, they look for the life guard station that matches the color on their wrist.
Birthday parties are another ideal opportunity to put color wristbands to use—especially those parties in which parents drop their kids off for two or three hours and then return to pick them up. They might have another family member or friend pick their child up. Color wristbands can be numbered with a matching numbered tear-off stub, which is given to the parents. At the end of the party the parent or an entrusted guardian can pick up the child with the numbered color stub that matches the numbered color wristband.
Active families can benefit from color wristbands on any outings where there might be large crowds. Baseball games, the zoo, mall, movie theater—these are all venues that would be happy to provide color wristbands on which permanent marker can be used to write the parent’s cell phone number and a message that says, “please call if you see this child unattended.” Just in case a child wanders off or gets lost, security or even a kind stranger with a cell phone can quickly and easily call the parents to help reunite them with the lost child.
At camps, color wristbands are an excellent way to indicate kids at that have special dietary needs or food or medication allergies. As examples, red color wristbands could indicate food allergies, while blue color wristbands indicate medication allergies. A green color wristband could mean the child is vegetarian or vegan.
Color wristbands are also a great way to divide kids up into groups at camp. These groups could be age, cabin number, skill level, activity rotation schedule—anything. Want to add a bit of fun? Imprint logos, slogans, dates, or funny images onto color wristbands. By doing so, you will not only promote the camp, but also accomplish some effective advertising. To help cover costs, you might consider selling some “advertising space” to sponsors. Kids will continue wearing that cool color wristband for several weeks to come. They will show it off to their friends, who will talk non-stop to their parents about the message and image they saw on that color wristband—and about how much fun their pal had. Word-of-mouth advertising does wonders for business. Customized color wristbands also serve as a wonderful keepsake for kids to remember their adventurous week away at camp.
Color wristbands are an exceptional aid in matching kids up with their parents. Parents want their children to experience life—learning and enjoying as much as they can. But, they also want to keep them safe and protected. Color wristbands help parents accomplish both of these goals.